Cairn Image Splitter

Author: Nikos Katsikanis (
History: 2006/04/13, Version 1.21:
2006/07/17, Version 1.3:
    Fixed a bug that stopped refreshing the blue RGB profiler
    GUI improved
    Added RGB profile position to be changed by mouse
2006/08/21, Version 1.5:
    Subtraction overlaying
    Batch wizard (process many images at once)
    Intensity equalization for easier comparison
Source: Contained in the JAR file. To open a JAR file, change the extension from ".jar" to ".zip" and double click on it. All source code is included.
Installation: Download Cairn_Image_Splitter.jar to the plugins folder, or subfolder, restart ImageJ, and there will be a new "Cairn Image Splitter" command in the Plugins menu, or submenu.
Description: This plugin allows split Images by the Cairn Optosplit devices to be analysed, or indeed any 2 or 3 way image spliter. This plugin does this by use of nudging overlayed RGB images and looking at RGB profiles in order to align the split images. Each separated image can then be saved seperately. Multiple alignment settings can be saved. Sreenshot of the plugin in operation is shown below.

Summary of features

  • Nudging of overlayed Images - for easy visual alignment
  • 2 way splitter and 3 way splitter - for compatibility with different devices
  • RGB Profile capability - for accurate alignment
  • Easy User Interface - step by step instructions on the program operation
  • Saving of Multiple Alignments - for use with different microscope setups.

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