More About Strawberry and Duchesne Watershed
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Selection Marker ImageMore About Strawberry and Duchesne watersheds
Selection Marker ImageUinta Basin Replacement Project
Selection Marker ImageAngler Access and Facilities
Selection Marker ImageLower Duchesne wetlands mitigation
Selection Marker ImageSage grouse recovery
Selection Marker ImageStrawberry Valley Area Assessment Summary
Selection Marker Imagestrawberry and duchesne project maps

Strawberry and Duchesne watershed Collage

The vision for the Commission’s program in the Strawberry and Duchesne rivers drainages is to help ensure fish and wildlife-related recreational opportunities continue to be maintained and expanded, fish and wildlife habitats are maintained and improved, and ecosystem functions in the affected watersheds are restored.

This is being achieved primarily by completing mitigation requirements of the Aquatic Mitigation Plan for the Strawberry Aqueduct and Collection System (SACS) in the Duchesne River watershed and the Wildlife Mitigation Plan for the Bonneville Unit. Project areas include the West Fork of the Duchesne River, Duchesne River, Strawberry River drainage and Currant Creek drainage.

The Commission has planned numerous projects necessary to fulfill mitigation obligations in this watershed. A full description, background and status of all program elements within this watershed are contained in our Mitigation and Conservation Plan and Annual Report.

The Commission is participating with the Department of Interior, Central Utah Water Conservancy District and other agencies in designing and implementing mitigation for this proposed project. Construction of project features began in 2003.

The Commission is responsible for completing acquisition of approximately 51 miles of public access along the West Fork, North Fork and main stem of the Duchesne River, middle and lower Strawberry River and Currant Creek to partially make up for lost angling opportunities resulting from construction and operation of SACS.

Wetland resources impacted by SACS are to be mitigated through protecting, restoring and enhancing wetlands along portions of the lower Duchesne River, near Myton, in eastern Utah.

The purpose of DRACR was to improve efficiency of irrigation canals off of the Duchesne River by reducing canal leakage through a combination of piping or lining about 41 miles of canal segments. Consequently, some wetlands that had been supported by leakage from the canals were impacted. To mitigate for the wetland losses, about 1,087 acres of land with water rights were acquired adjacent to the Duchesne River, near Myton. This property was to be developed and managed for wetlands and wildlife habitat. [Click here to learn more]

The first Commission-funded project based on the Strawberry Valley Area Assessment was a series of studies to identify causes for the decline of Sage grouse in the Valley. Studies are ongoing through 2004. Information gained from the studies is being used to develop a strategy to recovery Sage grouse populations in Strawberry Valley.

Based on the area assessment and U.S. Forest Service’s draft Watershed Restoration Plan, the Mitigation Commission will cooperate with the U.S. Forest Service to identify possible future projects for watershed, wildlife habitat and tributary restoration.

  • Reduced Flow Study/Instream Flow Management

In 2001, the Commission completed the third and final year of a study with Brigham Young University. Impetus for the study was to examine effects of flow reduction on riparian communities affected by SACS and to determine a flow regime necessary to sustain riparian communities affected by SACS on the South Slope of the Uintas. The study also gathered data for a monitoring system. The study was coordinated with the Interagency Biological Assessment Team and others. A report on the Strawberry River was completed in 2002 and a second report is underway.

  • Modify Diversion Structures

The Central Utah Project Completion Act authorized Federal funds to rehabilitate diversion dams that were impacting fish habitat or inhibiting fish passage and delivery of instream flows on the Duchesne and Strawberry Rivers in Utah. A comprehensive evaluation of eligible diversion structures (upstream of the Duchesne and Strawberry rivers confluence) was completed in 1998. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Forest Service, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and others analyzed the evaluation and recommended projects to the Commission. The Commission, Central Utah Water Conservancy District and Duchesne Water Conservancy District entered into an agreement to begin rebuilding diversions in 1999. Three projects were selected on a trial basis. The Rocky Point and Hicken diversions on the Duchesne River were rebuilt in 2001. The Pioneer diversion was rebuilt in 2002. A programmatic Environmental Assessment [Click here to view the EA] was released in May 2003, which described impacts associated with implementing similar projects on up to 24 diversion structures on the two rivers. The Mitigation Commission and partners are planning several more projects to rehabilitate, combine, or replace several diversion structures.

Email Link to the Utah Reclamation Mitigation Conservation Commission, urmcc@uc.usbr.govAddress for Utah Reclamation Mitigation Conservation Commission, 230 South 500 East, Suite 230, Salt Lake City, Utah 84102-2045, (801)524-3146, Fax (801)524-3148