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USGS Massachusetts-Rhode Island Water Science Center

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Ground-Water Data

Monthly Ground-Water Conditions

Last month ground water conditions map
Condition Graphs for four index streams

Ground-water levels at the end of August were generally normal (between highest and lowest 25 percent of levels for August) in Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts, including Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard. Ground-water levels were generally above normal (highest 25 percent of levels for August) in the remaining areas of Massachusetts, including Nantucket. Please refer to the August Ground-Water Conditions map for conditions of individual wells and other information.

Data table Data table (contains OWc values for Frimpter-Method estimation)

New record-high ground-water levels for the month of August were measured in 11 wells in Massachusetts. No other record-high ground-water levels were measured in any other wells in Massachusetts and Rhode Island during the month of August.

The current record-high ground-water levels for Orange 63 and Sheffield 58 are:

Orange 63, 3.81 ft below land surface, Mar. 24, 2008,
Sheffield 58, 9.82 ft below land surface, Apr. 30, 1997.

This assessment is based on the evaluation of 124 wells with 10 or more years of record. The data sources for variables OWc (monthly well reading), OWmax (historical high water level for period of well record), and OWr (maximum annual range for period of well record), which are used in conjunction with USGS Open-File Report 80-1205 to estimate high ground-water levels at sites in Massachusetts, are identified on the Well Characteristics Web page of the Ground-Water-Data Web page.

GW Climate Response Network

MA Climate Response Network Map Massachusetts

RI Climate Response Network Map Rhode Island

Observation-Well Network

Well Characteristics based on data through September 30, 2007 (contains OWmax and OWr values for Frimpter-Method estimation)

Historical Monthly Statistics (includes data through September 30, 2007).


Surface-Water Data

Water-Quality Data

Real-Time Precipitation Data: MA    RI



Monthly Water-Conditions Statements

Last Month


Water Information and Data

USGS Water Resources Data of:

USGS Ground-Water Information Pages

Ground-Water quality data from the New England Coastal Basins National Water Quality Assessment

Historical Ground-Water Levels

The whole water-year maps on one screen:

2008   2007
2006   2005
2004   2003
2002   2001
2000   1999

Monthly maps:

04/1995 - current month - .gif
01/2003 - current month - .pdf

Monthly Ground-Water Level Tables (April 1995 to current month)

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Page Last Modified: September 4, 2008