N C C A M: The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Expanding horizons of health care

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Overview of NIH and NCCAM

June 2008 – Presentation delivered at NCCAM Grantsmanship Workshop

Outline of Presentation

The NIH Mission…

To go where no man has gone before.

"Science in the pursuit of fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to extend healthy life and reduce the burdens of illness and disability."

The pursuit of knowledge to improve the public's health and wellness

When did NIH begin?

The Birthplace of the NIH: Circa 1887, Lab. of Hygiene — Marine Hospital

Laboratory of Hygiene focused on curing communicable diseases…cholera, small pox, diphtheria, and more deadly diseases of the time — Staten Island, NY.

FDR Dedicated the NIH Bethesda Campus on October 31, 1940.

NIH Bethesda Campus was established in 1947

NIH in 2008 is the World's largest biomedical research organization

In what federal department does NIH reside?

Organization of DHHS

Flowchart of DHHS highlighting NIH, FDA, CMS, and CDC.

Organization of NIH

Flowchart of NIH highlighting NCCAM.

What is the NIH budget?

NIH Gets 1% of U.S. Budget

US Budget Pie Chart showing the slice for NIH.

NIH budget bigger than that of whole departments

Dept. Energy
Dept. Justice
Dept. Transport
Dept. Treasury
Dept. Labor
Dept. Interior
29.5 billion
24.3 billion
20.2 billion
17.0 billion
12.4 billion
12.4 billion
10.6 billion
10.6 billion

Dual Nature of NIH-Supported Research

Intramural vs. Extramural

Understanding the Dual Nature of NIH…


NIH is a research institution



*All figures are estimates.

NIH Budget Breakdown FY 2008

My Salary Pie Chart, spending at NIH highlighted.

Intramural and Extramural Facts

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