Job Accounting

CPU-Hour Job Charges

Cores on a socket cannot be allocated to multiple jobs. Because the NCCS charges based on what a job makes unavailable to others, a job is charged for an entire socket even if it uses only one core on a socket. To simplify the process, users are required to request an entire socket through PBS. Odd core requests are rejected upon submission.

The cpuhour charge for each job will be as follows:

cores requested * ( job's endtime - job's starttime)

Viewing Usage

From within a NCCS system

The showusage utility can be used to view your usage from January 01 through midnight of the previous day. For example,

 Usage on jaguar:
                                  Project Totals          <userid>
 Project      Allocation        Usage    Remaining          Usage
 <YourProj>    2000000   |   123456.78   1876543.22  |     1560.80

The -h option will list more usage details.

From outside a NCCS system

More detailed usage may be found on each project’s usage section of

The following information is available for each project:

  • YTD usage by system, subproject, and project member
  • Monthly usage by system, subproject, and project member
  • YTD usage by job size groupings for each system, subproject, and project member
  • Weekly usage by job size groupings for each system, and subproject
  • Batch system priorities by project and subproject
  • Project members

The usage site is provided to aid in the utilization and management of NCCS allocations. If you have any questions or requests for additional data, please send them to the User Assistance Center.