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MCS Publications

Here we maintain a link to MCS's technical report anonymous ftp area. Most documents are available in compressed dvi or compressed postscript form. You can download the one of your choice by clicking on the appropriate file name in the table of contents. For hard copies of these reports, contact Judy Beumer at beumer@mcs.anl.gov .

Books Abstracts and information about recent books by MCS Division members.
Abstracts of Reports and Preprints
Preprints Most MCS recent publications are available in preprint form. The reference ID is characterized by a prefix "P", for example, MCS-P446-0694. Where possible we prefer the document to be referenced in the final published form (see the MCS Bibliography).
P1-P499 P500-P999 P1000+
ANL Reports Occasionally a document will be released internally via the ANL report series.  Reports' reference IDs are characterized by "ANL" in the title; for instance,  ANL-93/40.
Technical Memoranda The reference ID of a technical memorandum  is characterized by "TM" in the title; for instance,  ANL/MCS-TM-171.
Climate and Global Change Reports The reference ID of these reports is characterized by "CGC" in the title; for instance,  ANL/CGC-001-0200.
Newsletters The Association for Automated Reasoning Newsletters.
MCS Complete Bibliography A complete bibliography in bibtex format of MCS publications since 1984.  (>600 kB)
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