All awards must be ordered through officially registered and approved “Certifying Organizations.” Certifying Organizations will verify the hours of and nominate qualified volunteers; order and pay for Awards (either directly or through financial sponsorship); and distribute the Awards locally.
There are several packages to choose from – View Award Packages and Costs
If you already registered as an Official Certifying Organization and want to place an order (click here) Note: YOU ONLY NEED TO REGISTER ONCE. If you have forgotten your password, click here. If you are new user for an existing organization, please ask your organization’s administrator to add you as a user or contact us to be added to your organization.
If you are not registered and want to honor your volunteers, register to become a Certifying Organization now (click here).
Help us recruit Certifying Organizations that can verify your volunteer hours and order the Award on your behalf. If you currently volunteer through an organization, tell them about President’s Volunteer Service Award and that you want them to become a Certifying Organization. The list of potential Certifying Organizations is limitless. Schools, businesses, places of worship, neighborhood associations, etc. can all be Certifying Organizations.
As the network of Certifying Organizations grows, more deserving volunteers, like yourself, can be recognized for outstanding and sustained volunteer service.
Here are two ways that you can help recruit a Certifying Organization:
1. Refer them to the President’s Volunteer Service Award website –
2. Print the Certifying Organization Registration Form (PDF format) and share it with your organization(s).
© 2006 President's Volunteer Service Award