// Read the documentation to learn more about C++ code generator // versioning. // %X% %Q% %Z% %W% #include #include // DataSetBase #include // SpectralData #include // OGIP-92aData #include // Background #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "XSContainer.h" #include "XSstreams.h" #include "XSsymbol.h" #include #include #include #include #include // Class OGIP_92aData::OutputInfo OGIP_92aData::OutputInfo::OutputInfo (const string& fileName, const SpectralData* sd, const std::vector& respNames, const std::vector& arfNames, const string& bckName, const string& corrName, const RealArray& bckScaleRatio, const Real corrScale, const std::vector& modelNames, bool aScaleIsKeyword, bool bScaleIsKeyword) :m_fileName(fileName), m_sd(sd), m_respNames(respNames), m_arfNames(arfNames), m_bckName(bckName), m_corrName(corrName), m_bckScaleRatio(bckScaleRatio), m_corrScale(corrScale), m_modelNames(modelNames), m_isAScaleKeyword(aScaleIsKeyword), m_isBScaleKeyword(bScaleIsKeyword) { } // Additional Declarations // Class OGIP_92aData const string OGIP_92aData::s_fkModRoot = string("FKSRC"); const string OGIP_92aData::s_fkRspRoot = string("FKRSP"); const string OGIP_92aData::s_fkArfRoot = string("FKARF"); const size_t OGIP_92aData::s_fkKeyValLen = FLEN_VALUE - 3; OGIP_92aData::OGIP_92aData() : DataSet(), OGIP_92aIO() { } OGIP_92aData::OGIP_92aData(const OGIP_92aData &right) : DataSet(right), OGIP_92aIO(right) { } OGIP_92aData::~OGIP_92aData() { } OGIP_92aData* OGIP_92aData::clone () const { return new OGIP_92aData(*this); } void OGIP_92aData::copy (const DataSet& right) { if ( typeid(*this) != typeid(right) ) throw RedAlert("*** Programmer Error: copying to wrong type ***"); OGIP_92aData __temp(static_cast(right)); swap(__temp); } bool OGIP_92aData::fileFormat (const string& fileName, XspecDataIO::DataType type) { // Set OGIP to be the default format when checking by response // type and only the singleton dummy is loaded. This is // originally only meaningful for the fakeit command. if (type == XspecDataIO::ResponseType && fileName == DUMMY_RSP) { return true; } return OGIP_92aIO::fileFormat(fileName,type); } void OGIP_92aData::setArrays (size_t row) { // it looks like this function will work equally for TypeII files try { // first task is to find the start and end channel numbers. // Xspec11 & before marked channels out of start/end range // as "bad" and ignored them at read time. This function actually // sets the data ranges since the data container can't be // constructed until its size is determined from the grouping scheme. int first = 0; int last = 0; channelBounds(first, last, row); int ungroupedChannels = last - first + 1; IntegerArray qual, group; int groupedChannels = verifyQualGroup(first,last, qual, group, row); // now, create a SpectralData object with arrays of the computed size. // SpectralData*& spectrum = dataSetBase()->m_spectralData; // ought to throw something if this doesn't alloc. std::auto_ptr spectrum(new SpectralData(this, groupedChannels, row, origNumSources())); spectrum->startChan(first); spectrum->endChan(last); // get a reference to the data source FITS file. CCfits::ExtHDU& ext = dataSource()->extension(extensionName()); // Improper quality/grouping input should have already been // handled in verifyQualGroup function. Therefore no // exception handling is done for them here. spectrum->setQualityInfo(qual); spectrum->setGroupingInfo(group); CodeContainer coded; spectrum->gqString(DataUtility::encodeGQ(spectrum->groupingInfo(), spectrum->qualityInfo(), coded)); if (row == 0) { dataSetBase()->spectralData(spectrum.release()); } else { std::map::value_type __tmp(row,spectrum.release()); dataSetBase()->multiSpectralData().insert(__tmp); } //spectrum->gqString(DataUtility::encodeGQ(spectrum->groupingInfo(), spectrum->qualityInfo())); } catch (YellowAlert&) { // diagnostic for Xspec errors, which might be thrown by the // SpectralData constructor. std::string msg("Error reading data: File "); msg += dataSource()->name(); msg += '\n'; throw YellowAlert(msg); } catch (std::exception&) { // e.g. bad_alloc. throw; } } void OGIP_92aData::setDescription (size_t spectrumNumber, size_t row) { CCfits::ExtHDU& ext = dataSource()->extension(extensionName()); // now where were we? SpectralData* spectrum = sourceData(row); DataSetBase* const dsb = dataSetBase(); if (dsb->legalEndChan() == 0) { // Only do for the first spectrum in a dataset. // We know sd->startChan and endChan by this point, but not // sd->firstChan. size_t legalStart=0, legalEnd = 0; size_t lowDefault = spectrum->startChan() ? 1 : 0; channelLimits(lowDefault, legalStart, legalEnd); spectrum->firstChan(legalStart); dsb->legalStartChan(legalStart); dsb->legalEndChan(legalEnd); } // end if first spectrum (legalEndChan not set) else { spectrum->firstChan(dsb->legalStartChan()); } if (spectrum->startChan() < spectrum->firstChan()) { string msg("Spectrum in file "); msg += dataSource()->name(); msg += " has channel numbers lower than legal lower bound.\n"; throw YellowAlert(msg); } if (spectrum->endChan() > dsb->legalEndChan()) { string msg("Spectrum in file "); msg += dataSource()->name(); msg += " has channel numbers higher than legal upper bound.\n"; throw YellowAlert(msg); } size_t offset = spectrum->startChan() - spectrum->firstChan(); size_t end = spectrum->endChan() - spectrum->firstChan(); size_t allPossibleChans = dsb->legalEndChan() - dsb->legalStartChan() + 1; spectrum->setNoticedChannels(BoolArray(allPossibleChans, false)); for (size_t j=offset; j<=end; ++j) { spectrum->noticedChannels(j, true); } string keyval; float floatval; std::vector floatValueFromCol(1); std::vector keyValueFromCol(1,""); // copy keywords static const string BCK = ".bck"; static const string COR = ".cor"; static const string PULSEHEIGHT = "PHA"; spectrum->spectrumNumber(spectrumNumber); string errmsg(""); try { keyval = ext.keyWord(CHANNELTYPE()).value(keyval); spectrum->channelType(keyval == PULSEHEIGHT ? PHA : PI ); } catch (CCfits::HDU::NoSuchKeyword) { spectrum->channelType(PHA); } try { // setAncilliary file catches filename read errors and sets them // to empty output. It changes "none" to empty, and matches "%match%" // to suffix. It throws exceptions that are not caused by keyword errors. string auxFileName(""); // various data description keys are read: EXPOSURE, TELESCOPE // INSTRUMENT, BACKFILE, CORRFILE, BACKSCALE, CORRSCALE. // The latest amended (and as yet unpublished) OGIP standard // allows the BACKSCALE and AREASCALE to be a vector for each // spectrum, thus a column vector needs to be tried for. // on the other hand, try to be easy on user files that don't // reference background / correction files or backscale/corrscal data. // Even though both are required by the standard. setAncillaryFileName(auxFileName, dataName(), BACKFILE(), BCK, row); spectrum->backgroundFile(auxFileName); setAncillaryFileName(auxFileName, dataName(), CORRFILE(), COR, row); spectrum->correctionFile(auxFileName); errmsg = TELESCOPE(); spectrum->telescope(ext.keyWord(TELESCOPE()).value(keyval)); errmsg = INSTRUMENT(); spectrum->instrument(ext.keyWord(INSTRUMENT()).value(keyval)); // exposure time is an absolute requirement. Real expTime (1.); errmsg = EXPOSURE(); try { RealArray valueFromCol; ext.column(EXPOSURE()).read(valueFromCol,row,row); expTime = valueFromCol[0]; if (expTime <= 0) { tcout << "***Warning: exposure time is negative or zero - reset to 1.\n"; expTime = 1.; } } catch ( CCfits::Table::NoSuchColumn ) { expTime = ext.keyWord(EXPOSURE()).value(floatval); } spectrum->exposureTime(expTime); int last (spectrum->endChan() - spectrum->startChan()); int first (0); errmsg = AREASCALE(); spectrum->setAreaScale(scaleVector(AREASCALE(),row,first,last)); errmsg = BACKSCALE(); spectrum->setBackgroundScale(scaleVector(BACKSCALE(),row,first,last)); // read correction scale factor. Don't penalize user if it's not there // and there isn't a correction file, which is the general case. // (But should still read CORRSCALE if it exists, even if no CORRFILE.) Real corrScale = 1.; bool isCorrScale = false; try { RealArray valueFromCol; errmsg = CORRSCALE(); ext.column(CORRSCALE()).read(valueFromCol,row,row); corrScale = valueFromCol[0]; isCorrScale = true; } catch ( CCfits::Table::NoSuchColumn&) { } if (!isCorrScale) { try { errmsg = CORRSCALE(); corrScale = ext.keyWord(CORRSCALE()).value(floatval); isCorrScale = true; } catch (CCfits::HDU::NoSuchKeyword&) { if ( spectrum->correctionFile().length() ) { // No corrScale is only a problem if CORRFILE exists. throw; } } } // correctionScale can in principle be any real number, although // uses with corrScale < 0 are unlikely. A user might want to turn // the correction off by editing corrScale to 0. spectrum->correctionScale(corrScale); // channel type can either be PI or PHA. Again a required keyword // but if not present, use PHA. Mainly an anachronism. } catch ( CCfits::FitsException& ) { string msg = "Keyword "; msg += errmsg; msg += " is missing or of improper type in file: " ; msg += dsb->dataName(); throw XspecDataIO::RequiredDataNotPresent(msg); } // read filter keys into array setFilterKeys(row); } void OGIP_92aData::groupArrays (size_t row) { CCfits::ExtHDU& ext = dataSource()->extension(extensionName()); SpectralData* data = sourceData(row); const Real ZERO(0.); // these are the arrays to be modified. int last = data->endChan() - data->startChan(); int first = 0; size_t ungroupedChannels = (size_t)(last - first + 1); int chans (data->channels()); RealArray outputSpectrum(0.0,chans); RealArray outputVariance(0.0,chans); RealArray outputArea(1.0,chans); RealArray outputBackground(1.0,chans); RealArray ungroupedArea(data->areaScale()); RealArray ungroupedBackground(data->backgroundScale()); // recall: RealArray implemented as std::valarray which has vector-like // operation syntax. As in the next source line... outputVariance = 0; CCfits::Column* dataColumn = 0; // COUNTS or RATE Column. Grab a pointer to whichever is there. // defaults to RATE if someone is silly enough to put in both. if (isCounts()) { dataColumn = &ext.column(COUNTS()); } else { dataColumn = &ext.column(RATE()); } // note that up to this point no allocations have been done, only // reference-finding. RealArray src(0.,ungroupedChannels); if ( row == 0) { dataColumn->read(src,first,last); } else { RealArray srcTmp; dataColumn->read(srcTmp,row); src = RealArray(srcTmp[std::slice(first,last - first + 1,1)]); } // Get statistical errors. Patch fix to v12.2.0: to make compatible // w/ v11, Poisserr = true will override presence of STAT_ERR col. // Even if Poisserr = true, still check for STAT_ERR col and // issue warning if it exists. bool poissonStatistics = false; bool poissonKey = false; bool systematicsPresent = false; RealArray stat(0.,ungroupedChannels); RealArray syst(0.,ungroupedChannels); bool isFirst = (row == 0 || dataSetBase()->multiSpectralData().size() == 1); try { ext.readKey(POISSERR(),poissonKey); if (poissonKey) { stat.resize(ungroupedChannels,0.0); poissonStatistics = true; } } catch (CCfits::FitsException&) { if (isFirst) tcerr << "***Warning: " << POISSERR() << " keyword is missing or of wrong format, assuming FALSE." <dataName() << " has both POISSERR key set to 'true' and a " << STATISTICAL() << " column.\n" << " XSPEC will assume Poisson errors." << std::endl; XSstream::verbose(tpout, savCon, savLog); } } } catch (CCfits::Table::NoSuchColumn) { if (!poissonStatistics) { int savCon = tpout.conVerbose(); int savLog = tpout.logVerbose(); XSstream::verbose(tpout, 10, 10); tcout << "\nWarning: Statistics not present and Poisson Error Key "; tcout << "not set to 'true': setting errors to zero"< 1) { RealArray systTmp; sysCol.read(systTmp, row); syst = RealArray(systTmp[std::slice(first,last - first + 1,1)]); } else { RealArray tmp; sysCol.read(tmp, row, row); syst = tmp[0]; } } } catch (CCfits::Table::NoSuchColumn) { Real sysVal=.0; try { ext.keyWord(SYSTEMATIC()).value(sysVal); if (std::fabs(sysVal) > SMALL) { systematicsPresent = true; syst = sysVal; } } catch (CCfits::HDU::NoSuchKeyword&) { } } // does the spectrum represent net flux? If so the area and background // scale will be treated differently. If the flux is not NET, areas will be // flux-averaged, but will be straight averaged if it is. bool netFlux (isNet(src)); if (groupingStorage() == NO_STORE) { // Case I: simplest case: no quality or grouping information. // This should be a little more efficient than setting qArray to 0 // everywhere and executing Case II - which tactic is adopted for // the general case, III. if (qualityStorage() == NO_STORE) { outputSpectrum = src; outputArea = ungroupedArea; outputBackground = ungroupedBackground; if (poissonStatistics) { if (poissonKey) { for (size_t j = 0; j < src.size(); ++j) outputVariance[j] = std::max(src[j],ZERO); if (!isCounts()) { // If input is in RATES, to keep things consistent in later // scaleArrays,variance needs to be in units of cts/sec^2 // at this point. outputVariance /= data->exposureTime(); } } } else outputVariance = stat*stat; if (systematicsPresent) { outputVariance += (syst*src)*(syst*src); } } // Case II: no grouping information, but quality information. else { IntegerArray outputQuality(chans); const IntegerArray& quality = data->qualityInfo(); using std::setw; // in this case // # channels = # ungroupedChannels - # of (quality = 1) entries. size_t k = 0; size_t j = 0; while (k < ungroupedChannels ) { if ( quality[k] != 1) { outputQuality[j] = quality[k]; outputSpectrum[j] = src[k]; outputArea[j] = ungroupedArea[k]; outputBackground[j] = ungroupedBackground[k]; if (!poissonStatistics) { outputVariance[j] = stat[k]*stat[k]; } else { if (poissonKey) { outputVariance[j] = std::max(src[k],ZERO); if (!isCounts()) outputVariance[j] /= data->exposureTime(); } } if (systematicsPresent) { outputVariance[j] += (src[j]*syst[k])*(src[j]*syst[k]); } ++j; } ++k; } data->setQuality(outputQuality); } } else { // Case III General case: there is grouping information. // the complication arises primarily because of the statistics. // Since the correct thing to do seems to be to add channel // variances/systematics in quadrature the sums come out wrong unless // this is executed in two stages. const IntegerArray& grouping = data->groupingInfo(); // in this case // # channels = # channels with GC=0 && # channels with GC = 1. // - # of (quality = 1) entries. // channels with GC=1 followed by GC=-1 are summed until the next // GC = 1 channel is reached. if (!poissonStatistics) { RealArray __tmp0(stat*stat); stat = __tmp0; } else { if (poissonKey) { for (size_t l = 0; l < ungroupedChannels; ++l) { src[l] >= 0 ? stat[l] = src[l] : stat[l] = 0; } if (!isCounts()) stat /= data->exposureTime(); } } if (systematicsPresent) stat += (syst*src)*(syst*src); size_t k = 0; int j = -1; if (qualityStorage() != NO_STORE) { IntegerArray outputQuality(chans); const IntegerArray& quality = data->qualityInfo(); Real binSum = 0.; Real binSumA = 0.; Real binSumB = 0.; Real invSumA = 0.; Real invSumB = 0.; size_t binsInChannel(0); while (k < ungroupedChannels ) { if ( quality[k] != 1) { // "bad" - user ignorable data is GC = 0 if ( grouping[k] != -1 ) { // startbin channel is GC = 1 ('+') // we already checked that grouping flag is (1,0,-1) // we also already know that ungroupedArea != 0. ++j; outputQuality[j] = quality[k]; if ( j > 0) { outputSpectrum[j - 1] = binSum; if ( !netFlux ) { outputArea[j-1] = (binSumA != 0 ? binSum/binSumA : binsInChannel/invSumA); outputBackground[j-1] = (binSumB != 0 ? binSum/binSumB : binsInChannel/invSumB); } else { outputArea[j-1]=binSumA / binsInChannel; outputBackground[j-1]=binSumB/binsInChannel; } } binSum = src[k]; if (!netFlux) { invSumA = 1.0/ungroupedArea[k]; invSumB = 1.0/ungroupedBackground[k]; binSumA = binSum*invSumA; binSumB = binSum*invSumB; } else { binSumA = ungroupedArea[k]; binSumB = ungroupedBackground[k]; } binsInChannel = 1; outputVariance[j] = stat[k]; } else { // GC = -1 ('-') // new: if the quality array differs among grouped bins // set the quality for that bin equal to the worst value // found outputQuality[j] = std::max(quality[k],outputQuality[j]); outputVariance[j] += stat[k]; binSum += src[k]; if (!netFlux) { invSumA += 1.0/ungroupedArea[k]; invSumB += 1.0/ungroupedBackground[k]; binSumA += src[k]/ungroupedArea[k]; binSumB += src[k]/ungroupedBackground[k]; } else { binSumA += ungroupedArea[k]; binSumB += ungroupedBackground[k]; } ++binsInChannel; } } // QC = 1 (GC = ' ') ++k; if (k == ungroupedChannels) { outputSpectrum[j] = binSum; if ( !netFlux ) { outputArea[j] = (binSumA != 0) ? binSum/binSumA : binsInChannel/invSumA; outputBackground[j] = (binSumB != 0) ? binSum/binSumB : binsInChannel/invSumB; } else { outputArea[j] = binSumA / binsInChannel; outputBackground[j] = binSumB/binsInChannel; } } } data->setQuality(outputQuality); } // end if quality set else { Real binSum = 0.; Real binSumA = 0.; Real binSumB = 0.; Real invSumA = 0.; Real invSumB = 0.; size_t binsInChannel(0); while (k < ungroupedChannels ) { // "bad" - user ignorable data is GC = 0 if ( grouping[k] != -1 ) { // startbin channel is GC = 1 ('+') // we already checked that grouping flag is (1,0,-1) // we also already know that ungroupedArea != 0. ++j; if ( j > 0) { outputSpectrum[j - 1] = binSum; if ( !netFlux ) { outputArea[j-1] = (binSumA != 0 ? binSum/binSumA : binsInChannel/invSumA); outputBackground[j-1] = (binSumB != 0 ? binSum/binSumB : binsInChannel/invSumB); } else { outputArea[j-1]=binSumA / binsInChannel; outputBackground[j-1]=binSumB/binsInChannel; } } binSum = src[k]; if (!netFlux) { invSumA = 1.0/ungroupedArea[k]; invSumB = 1.0/ungroupedBackground[k]; binSumA = binSum*invSumA; binSumB = binSum*invSumB; } else { binSumA = ungroupedArea[k]; binSumB = ungroupedBackground[k]; } binsInChannel = 1; outputVariance[j] = stat[k]; } else { // GC = -1 ('-') // new: if the quality array differs among grouped bins // set the quality for that bin equal to the worst value // found outputVariance[j] += stat[k]; binSum += src[k]; if (!netFlux) { invSumA += 1.0/ungroupedArea[k]; invSumB += 1.0/ungroupedBackground[k]; binSumA += src[k]/ungroupedArea[k]; binSumB += src[k]/ungroupedBackground[k]; } else { binSumA += ungroupedArea[k]; binSumB += ungroupedBackground[k]; } ++binsInChannel; } // QC = 1 (GC = ' ') ++k; if (k == ungroupedChannels) { outputSpectrum[j] = binSum; if ( !netFlux ) { outputArea[j] = (binSumA != 0) ? binSum/binSumA : binsInChannel/invSumA; outputBackground[j] = (binSumB != 0) ? binSum/binSumB : binsInChannel/invSumB; } else { outputArea[j] = binSumA / binsInChannel; outputBackground[j] = binSumB/binsInChannel; } } } } assert ( j == chans - 1); } data->setSpectrum(outputSpectrum); data->setAreaScale(outputArea); data->setBackgroundScale(outputBackground); data->setRawVariance(outputVariance); // Mostly for regression testing: only for very high chatter level // output to log. int savConVerbose = tpout.conVerbose(); int savLogVerbose = tpout.logVerbose(); XSstream::verbose(tpout,9999, 50); if (tpout.logChatterLevel() >= tpout.logVerbose()) { tcout << "\nGrouped channel: cts(/sec):" << std::endl; for (int i=0; iextension(extensionName()); if (record.spectrumRange(0)==0) { // The user expects file to be Type 1. Is it? if (specNum(ext)) { string msg = record.fileName() + '\n'; msg += "Detected to be of Type 2 format. "; msg += "Row specifier is needed.\n"; throw XspecDataIO::UnspecifiedSpectrumNumber(msg); } } else { // Type 2 file is expected if (!specNum(ext)) { string msg = '\n'+record.fileName(); msg += " is detected to be of Type 1 format. "; msg += "Row specifiers do not apply.\n"; throw XspecDataIO::SingleSpectrumOnly(msg); } } record.updateSpectrumCounts(numberOfSpectra); if (!record.spectrumRange().size() || !record.spectrumNumber().size()) { string msg = "All rows out of range of file "+record.fileName()+'\n'; throw YellowAlert(msg); } } void OGIP_92aData::setAncillaryFileName (string& outFileName, const string& matchName, const string& key, const string& suffix, size_t row) { static const string MATCH = "%match%"; static const string NONE = "none"; outFileName = ""; bool fromCol = false; try { CCfits::ExtHDU& ext = dataSource()->extension(extensionName()); string fileName(""); try { ext.keyWord(key).value(fileName); } catch (CCfits::HDU::NoSuchKeyword) { if (row == 0) { // Relax the keyword requirements of the OGIP standard // only for CORRFILE. if (key != CORRFILE()) { throw XspecDataIO::RequiredDataNotPresent(key); } fileName = NONE; } else { std::vector fileNameCol(1,""); ext.column(key).read(fileNameCol,row,row); fileName = fileNameCol[0]; fromCol = true; } } const string testFileName(XSutility::lowerCase(fileName)); if ( testFileName == MATCH ) { outFileName = matchName.substr(0, matchName.find_last_of('.')) + suffix; } else { if (testFileName.substr(0,4) == NONE || testFileName.find_first_not_of(" \t\n") == XSparse::NOTFOUND() ) outFileName = ""; else if (fromCol && (key != RESPFILE())) { // This block is a patch kluge to allow a way for type-II data files // to get at type-I back/corr/arf files. They can't currently do it // through keyword, only from column. We'll explicitly add the // unstandard {0} specifier so this will be recognized down the // road in setAncillaryData for back/corr and setResponse for arf. outFileName = fileName; if (fileName.find("{") == string::npos) { outFileName += string("{0}"); } } else outFileName = fileName; } } catch (CCfits::FitsException&) { // should only throw a HDU::NoSuchKeyword, but the required action is: // if anything goes wrong set the ancilliary data filename to blank. // Again, relax the standard for the CORRFILE keyword. if (key != CORRFILE()) { throw XspecDataIO::RequiredDataNotPresent(key); } outFileName = ""; } catch (...) { throw; // probably only std::bad_alloc } } bool OGIP_92aData::setAncillaryData (size_t row, int ancRow) { // there are four potential ancillary files, Background, Correction, Response, // and AuxResponse. Current plan is to delegate responsibility for AuxResponse // to the Response class since they are in 1:1 correspondence. However, we // can instantiate and read both here perhaps. // these will be set here if the filenames have been obtained successfully // from the data file (after processing by setAncilliaryFileName). // the dataSetBase structure should contain enough information to instantiatiate // and initialize the BackCorr files using their setData method. // the row parameter is redundant for OGIP-I. bool isSuccess = false; SpectralData* data = sourceData(row); const DataPrototype* proto = dataSetBase()->protoType(); int backAncRow = ancRow, corrAncRow = ancRow; // If ancRow = the default value of -1, then we got here during initialization // of spectral data object, NOT by way of backgrnd and corfile commands. if (ancRow == -1) { // Patch fix: Check for possibility that filenames include {} specifiers. // These must be parsed and handled. Backgnd and Corr commands would have // already done this. if (data->backgroundFile().length()) { const string totBackFileSpec(data->backgroundFile()); string::size_type pos = totBackFileSpec.find("{"); if (pos != string::npos) { // Patch hack: If setAncillaryFileName stuck a "{0}" at // the end, it's telling us it wants a type-I back/corr // file. processStringToken will throw if it sees it // so we have to check here first. if (totBackFileSpec.length() > pos+1 && totBackFileSpec[pos+1]=='0') { backAncRow = 0; data->backgroundFile(totBackFileSpec.substr(0,pos)); } else { IntegerArray specRanges; string actualFileName; XSparse::processStringToken(totBackFileSpec, actualFileName, specRanges, XSutility::PHA); // Only the first element of specRanges has any relevance here. if (specRanges.size()) { backAncRow = specRanges[0]; } else { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Improper background file specifier: " << totBackFileSpec <<"\n"; throw YellowAlert(msg.str()); } data->backgroundFile(actualFileName); } } else if (row) { // Coming from type-II data, assume user wants 1-to-1 match up with type-II // background file. Will need to catch later if this is not the case. backAncRow = row; } else { // Type-I data, no row specifier, this one's easy. backAncRow = 0; } } if (data->correctionFile().length()) { const string totCorrFileSpec(data->correctionFile()); string::size_type pos = totCorrFileSpec.find("{"); if (pos != string::npos) { // Patch hack: If setAncillaryFileName stuck a "{0}" at // the end, it's telling us it wants a type-I back/corr // file. processStringToken will throw if it sees it // so we have to check here first. if (totCorrFileSpec.length() > pos+1 && totCorrFileSpec[pos+1]=='0') { corrAncRow = 0; data->correctionFile(totCorrFileSpec.substr(0,pos)); } else { IntegerArray specRanges; string actualFileName; XSparse::processStringToken(totCorrFileSpec, actualFileName, specRanges, XSutility::PHA); // Only the first element of specRanges has any relevance here. if (specRanges.size()) { corrAncRow = specRanges[0]; } else { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Improper correction file specifier: " << totCorrFileSpec <<"\n"; throw YellowAlert(msg.str()); } data->correctionFile(actualFileName); } } else if (row) { // Coming from type-II data, assume user wants 1-to-1 match up with type-II // correction file. Will need to catch later if this is not the case. corrAncRow = row; } else { // Type-I data, no row specifier, this one's easy. corrAncRow = 0; } } } if ( data->backgroundFile().length() != 0) { std::auto_ptr bkg(proto->MakeBackground()); bool formatCheck = false; try { formatCheck = bkg->fileFormat(data->backgroundFile(),XspecDataIO::SpectrumType); } catch ( XspecDataIO::CannotOpen ) { string newFile(""); data->backgroundFile(""); try { XSparse::getFileNameFromUser(data->backgroundFile(),newFile,XSutility::BCK); if (newFile.length() != 0) { formatCheck = bkg->fileFormat(newFile,XspecDataIO::SpectrumType); data->backgroundFile(newFile); } } catch (XspecDataIO::CannotOpen) { tcout <<"\n*** Cannot open file - skipped "<initialize(this, row, data->backgroundFile(), static_cast(backAncRow)); bkg->setData(data->spectrumNumber(), backAncRow); bkg->closeSourceFiles(); data->background(bkg.release()); isSuccess = true; } else { tcout <backgroundFile().length() > 0) { tcout << "*** Background file has inconsistent format with data: "; } tcout << " background file " << data->backgroundFile() << " read skipped"; tcout <backgroundFile(""); } } if ( data->correctionFile().length() != 0) { isSuccess = false; std::auto_ptr cor(proto->MakeCorrection()); bool formatCheck = false; try { formatCheck = cor->fileFormat(data->correctionFile(),XspecDataIO::SpectrumType); } catch ( XspecDataIO::CannotOpen ) { string newFile(""); try { data->correctionFile(""); XSparse::getFileNameFromUser(data->correctionFile(),newFile,XSutility::COR); if (newFile.length() != 0) { formatCheck = cor->fileFormat(newFile,XspecDataIO::SpectrumType); data->correctionFile(newFile); } } catch (XspecDataIO::CannotOpen) { tcout << "\n*** Cannot open file - skipped " <initialize(this, row, data->correctionFile(), static_cast(corrAncRow)); cor->setData(data->spectrumNumber(), corrAncRow); cor->closeSourceFiles(); data->correction(cor.release()); isSuccess = true; } else { tcout <correctionFile().length() > 0) { tcout << "*** Correction file has inconsistent format with data: "; } tcout << " correction file " << data->correctionFile() << " read skipped"; tcout <correctionFile(""); } } return isSuccess; } bool OGIP_92aData::isCounts () const { return OGIP_92aIO::isCounts(); } void OGIP_92aData::closeSourceFiles () { OGIP_92aIO::closeFile(); } void OGIP_92aData::setResponse (size_t spectrumNumber, size_t row) { static const string RSP = ".rsp"; static const string ARF = ".arf"; SpectralData* sourceSpectrum = sourceData(row); string responseName; setAncillaryFileName(responseName, dataName(), RESPFILE(), RSP, row); string preBrackets; // Returns extVer = 0 if no brackets, throws if extVer < 0. int extVer = XSparse::getExtVerNumber(responseName, preBrackets); if (extVer == 0) extVer = 1; string arfName; setAncillaryFileName(arfName, dataName(), ANCRFILE(), ARF, row); if (responseName.length() == 0) return; setResponse(sourceSpectrum, spectrumNumber, 1, responseName, extVer, arfName); } void OGIP_92aData::Swap (DataSet& right) { OGIP_92aIO& that = static_cast(right); DataSet::Swap(right); OGIP_92aIO::swap(that); } bool OGIP_92aData::match (const IntegerArray& srcValue, const IntegerArray& value) { bool valueSet = !srcValue.empty(); bool vSet = !value.empty(); if (valueSet == vSet) { if (!valueSet) return true; if (value == srcValue) return true; } return false; } void OGIP_92aData::reportResponse (size_t row) const { using namespace std; const std::vector& dets = sourceData(row)->detector(); bool noRespLoaded = true; for (size_t i=0; itoRealResponse(); const UserDummyResponse* drsp = rsp->toUserDummyResponse(); noRespLoaded = false; if (rrsp) { if ( rrsp->rmfName().size() > 0) { tcout << left << setw(38) << " Using Response (RMF) File " << rrsp->rmfName() << " for Source " << i+1 << std::endl; if (rrsp->isGainApplied()) { const std::vector& gainFactors = rrsp->gainFactor(); tcout << " With applied gain: slope = " << gainFactors[1] << " offset = " << gainFactors[0] << std::endl; } } if (rrsp->arfName().size() > 0 ) { tcout << left << setw(38) << " Using Auxiliary Response (ARF) File " << rrsp->arfName() << std::endl; } } else if (drsp) { tcout << left << setw(38) << " Using Dummy Response for Source" << i+1 << std::endl; if (drsp->diagRspMode() && drsp->arfNames().size() && drsp->arfNames()[0].length()) { tcout << left << setw(38) << " Using Auxiliary Response (ARF) File " << drsp->arfNames()[0] << std::endl; } } } } if (noRespLoaded) { tcout << " No response loaded." << std::endl; } } bool OGIP_92aData::setResponse (SpectralData* sourceSpectrum, size_t spectrumNumber, size_t sourceNum, const string& responseName, int respExtVers, const string& arfName) { using XSContainer::responses; const DataPrototype *proto = dataSetBase()->protoType(); // OGIP has an OGIP response object so the cast is safe here. std::auto_ptr rsp(static_cast(proto->MakeResponse())); rsp->sourceNumber(sourceNum); rsp->rmfName(responseName); rsp->extVers(respExtVers); rsp->rspRunPath(XSutility::getRunPath()); IntegerArray rowNums; // Only 1 rowNum (the first) is relevant in this case. // arfName may actually contain a row specifier which must be parsed. string arfFileName(""); // Patch hack: If setAncillaryFileName stuck a "{0}" at // the end, it's telling us it wants a type-I arf file. // processStringToken will throw if it sees it // so we have to check here first. string::size_type pos = arfName.find("{"); if (pos != string::npos) { if (arfName.length() > pos+1 && arfName[pos+1]=='0') { rsp->arfRow(0); arfFileName = arfName.substr(0, pos); } else { XSparse::processStringToken(arfName, arfFileName, rowNums, XSutility::ARF); size_t rowNum = rowNums[0]; if (rowNum != 0) { // Only set the arf rowNum at this point if it has been explicitly // entered inside of brackets in either the ancrfile keyword // or column of the DataSet file. The "response" command also // calls this function but it leaves the arfName parameter empty, // so it can't get in here. If no brackets have been entered // that doesn't MEAN that rowNum=0 (ie. Type 1) is being specified. // It could also be a Type 2 file where the arf rows correspond // 1 to 1 with the spectra. That will get determined later // on when the response object's readAuxResponse function is called. rsp->arfRow(rowNum); } } } else if (arfName.length()) { // No row specifier in arfName, which is coming from keyword. // Should not get in here from response command. arfFileName = arfName; if (sourceSpectrum->rowNumber()) { // This is the case of a type-II data file asking for the 1 to 1 // match-up with rows in a type-II arf file. // Let OGIP-Response::readAuxResponse know this by setting to // npos for now. rsp->arfRow(string::npos); } } rsp->arfName(arfFileName); rsp->arfRunPath(XSutility::getRunPath()); bool responseCheck = false; bool isSuccess = false; try { responseCheck = rsp->fileFormat(responseName, XspecDataIO::ResponseType); } catch ( XspecDataIO::CannotOpen ) { string newFile(""); try { responseCheck = false; // throws AbortLoop or SkipThis if user types "none" or "/*" XSparse::getFileNameFromUser(responseName, newFile, XSutility::RSP); if (newFile.length() != 0) { responseCheck = rsp->fileFormat(newFile,XspecDataIO::ResponseType); if (responseCheck) { rsp->rmfName(newFile); } } } catch (XSparse::SkipThis) { } catch (XspecDataIO::CannotOpen) { } catch (XSparse::AbortLoop) { throw; } } if ( responseCheck ) { try { rsp->source(sourceSpectrum); rsp->setData(spectrumNumber,dataSetBase()->dataGroup()); rsp->setEnergies(); RealResponse* rspSaved = rsp.release(); if (sourceSpectrum->detector(sourceNum-1)) { // This also removes response from response container. sourceSpectrum->removeResponses(sourceNum); } responses->addToList(responseName,rspSaved); // for a one source file. sourceSpectrum->attachDetector(responses->responseList(responseName, rspSaved->index()),sourceNum-1); isSuccess = true; } catch (XSparse::AbortLoop) { throw; } catch (...) { tcout << "\n*** Error processing response data - file skipped"<closeSourceFiles(); } } else { tcout << std::endl; if (responseName.length() > 0) { tcout <rmfName() << " read skipped" <correctionFile(); // switch off the Corr file half of setAncillaryData sourceData(row)->correctionFile(""); try { status = setAncillaryData(row, bckRow); } catch (...) { sourceData(row)->correctionFile(tmp); throw; } sourceData(row)->correctionFile(tmp); return status; } bool OGIP_92aData::setCorrectionData (size_t row, int corRow) { bool status = false; string tmp = sourceData(row)->backgroundFile(); // switch off the Background file half of setAncillaryData sourceData(row)->backgroundFile(""); try { status = setAncillaryData(row, corRow); } catch (...) { sourceData(row)->backgroundFile(tmp); throw; } sourceData(row)->backgroundFile(tmp); return status; } void OGIP_92aData::initializeFake (DataPrototype* proto, FakeDataInputRecord& record) { //int dot = record.fileName().find_last_of('.'); //const string& name = record.fileName().substr(0, dot < 0 ? record.fileName().length() : dot ); const std::vector& inBackgrounds = record.inputBackgrounds(); size_t nSpec = record.spectrumNumber().size(); dataSetBase() = new DataSetBase(record.fileName(),DataSet::count(),proto); size_t sourceNums = record.numSourcesForSpectra(); origNumSources(sourceNums); setRunPath(); dataGroup(record.groupNumber()); outputFileName(record.fileName()); int legalStart=0, legalEnd=0; const DataSet* origDSet = record.data(); if (origDSet) { if (record.isType2() && nSpec != origDSet->multiSpectralData().size()) { throw RedAlert("MultiSpectralData/FakeInputRecord nSpectra size discrepancy\n"); } origDSet->legalChannelBounds(legalStart, legalEnd); dataSetBase()->legalStartChan(legalStart); dataSetBase()->legalEndChan(legalEnd); dataSetBase()->aScaleIsKeyword(origDSet->aScaleIsKeyword()); dataSetBase()->bScaleIsKeyword(origDSet->bScaleIsKeyword()); } else { dataSetBase()->aScaleIsKeyword(true); dataSetBase()->bScaleIsKeyword(true); } // Construct the necessary number of SpectralData objects for the DataSet, // but leave them empty for now. These new spectra are inserted into the // DataSet object immediately after they are constructed. Therefore, if // any exceptions leave here, they can (will) be destroyed by destruction // of the entire DataSet. // Fake data sets will store grouping and quality in columns. // This is probably not needed since these settings are normally // only used when reading and processing from a file, but just // to keep things in a self-consistent state ... qualityStorage(COLSTORE); groupingStorage(COLSTORE); size_t firstDetChans = 0; for (size_t i=0; i asd(new SpectralData(this, nChans, outRow, sourceNums)); asd->spectrumNumber(record.spectrumNumber(i)); asd->exposureTime(record.exposureTime()); asd->correctionScale(record.correctionNorm()); const size_t nResps = record.inputResponses(i).size(); if (!origDSet) { // Fake data set is not based on a pre-existing data set. asd->initializeFake(chanInfo); if (i == 0) { firstDetChans = chanInfo.m_detChans; dataSetBase()->legalStartChan(chanInfo.m_firstChan); dataSetBase()->legalEndChan(chanInfo.m_detChans + chanInfo.m_firstChan - 1); } if (chanInfo.m_detChans != firstDetChans) { string msg("Attempting to create a fake typeII data set "); msg += record.fileName(); msg += ",\n containing spectra with differing DETCHANS."; msg += "\n Check DETCHANS keywords in associated background and response files,"; msg += "\n and see TypeI vs TypeII output section of fakeit help.\n"; throw YellowAlert(msg); } if (record.inputResponses(i)[0].first == DUMMY_RSP) { const UserDummyResponse *ud = dynamic_cast (XSContainer::responses->responseList(DUMMY_RSP,size_t(0))); UserDummyResponse *newUd = new UserDummyResponse(*ud); newUd->dataGroup(1); asd->attachUserDummy(newUd, 0); asd->telescope("UNKNOWN"); asd->instrument("UNKNOWN"); asd->channelType(PHA); } } else { // Fake data set is based on a pre-existing data set. const SpectralData* origSd = origDSet->sourceData(record.origRowNums(i)); asd->initializeFake(origSd); for (size_t j=0; j (origSd->detector(iSource)); if (!origUd) { throw RedAlert("Fake spectrum is attempting to use non-existent dummy response."); } asd->attachUserDummy(new UserDummyResponse(*origUd), iSource); } else if (record.enteredNone()) { asd->telescope("USE_FAKEIT_RMF"); asd->instrument("USE_FAKEIT_RMF"); asd->channelType(FK_RMF); } } } // At this point new spectrum is ready to be given over to the dataset, // so the auto_ptr can relinquish ownership. SpectralData* sd = asd.release(); if (record.isType2()) { std::map::value_type __tmp(outRow, sd); dataSetBase()->multiSpectralData().insert(__tmp); } else { dataSetBase()->spectralData(sd); } // Attach background. // inBackgrounds refers to the B in the M*R+B used to generate // the fake spectrum. record.backgndFile refers to the output // file that will be a possibly Poisson randomized version of B. // It does not yet exist at this point (see DataSet::generateFake // and the output functions of this class). sd->backgroundFile(inBackgrounds[i].first); try { isBackSuccess = setBackgroundData(outRow, inBackgrounds[i].second); if (isBackSuccess) { outputBckFileName(record.backgndFile()); sd->backgroundFile(record.backgndFile()); if (!origDSet) { // If not based on original spectrum but there is an // original background file, re-initialize the fake // spectrum using the background file's settings. sd->reinitFromBackground(); } } } catch (...) { sd->backgroundFile(""); throw; } if (!isBackSuccess) { if (sd->backgroundScale(0) < .0) { // backgroundScale for spectra not based on original data // is initialized to -1.0. An associated background // file would have replaced it with its own value. sd->setBackgroundScale(RealArray(1.0, sd->channels())); } sd->backgroundFile(""); tcout << "\nNo background will be applied to fake spectrum #" << record.spectrumNumber()[i] << std::endl; } // Attach corr file if (record.inputCorrFiles(i).first.length()) { sd->correctionFile(record.inputCorrFiles(i).first); try { isBackSuccess = setCorrectionData(outRow, record.inputCorrFiles(i).second); } catch (...) { sd->correctionFile(""); throw; } if (!isBackSuccess) { sd->correctionFile(""); tcout << "\nNo corr file will be applied to fake spectrum #" << record.spectrumNumber()[i] << std::endl; } } for (size_t j=0; jspectrumNumber(), iSource+1, respFileName, extVer, string("")); } catch (...) { throw; } if (!isRespSuccess) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Spectrum #" << record.spectrumNumber()[i] << " source #" << iSource+1; throw ResponseIsNeeded(msg.str()); } RealResponse* rsp = static_cast(sd->detector(iSource)); // Attach Arf. rsp->arfName(record.inputArfs(i)[j].first.first); try { // If arfName is empty, this simply returns false. isArfSuccess = rsp->readAuxResponse(record.inputArfs(i)[j].first.second); } catch (...) { rsp->arfName(""); throw; } // Not sure it can return false without throwing, assuming arfName != "", // but just to be sure .... if (!isArfSuccess) { rsp->arfName(""); tcout << "\nNo ARF will be applied to fake spectrum #" << record.spectrumNumber()[i] << " source #" << iSource+1 << std::endl; } } // end if non-dummy resp exists } // end sources loop } // end spectra loop } void OGIP_92aData::outputData () { if (!numSpectra()) { tcout << "\n***Warning -- No spectra in data set, output file will not be written." << std::endl; return; } try { if (isMultiple()) { outputType2Table(); } else { outputType1Table(); } } catch (YellowAlert&) { return; } } FakeDataInputRecord::Arfs OGIP_92aData::getAncillaryLocation (size_t rowNum, const FakeDataInputRecord::Detectors& respInfo) const { FakeDataInputRecord::Arfs arfInfo; const SpectralData* sd = 0; if (rowNum == 0) { sd = spectralData(); } else { XSContainer::SpectralDataMapConstIt sdIt = multiSpectralData().find(rowNum); if (sdIt != multiSpectralData().end()) { sd = sdIt->second; } } // sd should always be valid since presumably it already succeeded in a preceding // call to getResponseName. Still... if (!sd) throw RedAlert("Attempt to access non-existing spectrum in OGIP-9aData::getResponseName"); for (size_t i=0; idetector(sourceNum); string arfFile; size_t rowNum = 0; if (curRespInfo.first == USR_DUMMY_RSP) arfFile = USR_DUMMY_RSP; else { const RealResponse* rrsp = dynamic_cast(rsp); arfFile = rrsp->arfName(); if (arfFile.length()) rowNum = rrsp->arfRow(); } FakeDataInputRecord::ArfID curArfInfo; curArfInfo.first.first = arfFile; curArfInfo.first.second = rowNum; curArfInfo.second = sourceNum; arfInfo.push_back(curArfInfo); } return arfInfo; } std::pair OGIP_92aData::getBackCorrLocation (size_t rowNum, bool isCorr) const { std::pair location = std::pair(string(),0); SpectralData* sd=0; if (rowNum == 0) { sd = spectralData(); } else { XSContainer::SpectralDataMapConstIt sdIt = multiSpectralData().find(rowNum); if (sdIt == multiSpectralData().end()) { throw RedAlert("Attempt to access non-existing spectrum in OGIP-9aData::getBackgroundLocation"); } sd = sdIt->second; } if (isCorr) { const Correction* cor = sd->correction(); if (cor && sd->correctionFile().length()) { location.first = sd->correctionFile(); location.second = cor->data()->rowNumber(); } } else { const Background* bck = sd->background(); if (bck && sd->backgroundFile().length()) { location.first = sd->backgroundFile(); location.second = bck->data()->rowNumber(); } } return location; } void OGIP_92aData::getNChansForFake (FakeDataInputRecord& record, const size_t index, SpectralData::ChannelInfo& chanInfo) { const DataSet* origDset = record.data(); if (origDset) { // When based on original data, we're actually interested // only in m_channels since first, start and end chans will be // copied directly in initializeFake, and they don't tell // us about the number of GROUPED channels. const SpectralData* origSd = origDset->sourceData(record.origRowNums(index)); chanInfo.m_firstChan = chanInfo.m_startChan = 1; chanInfo.m_endChan = origSd->channels(); int legalStartChan=0, legalEndChan=0; origDset->legalChannelBounds(legalStartChan, legalEndChan); chanInfo.m_detChans = legalEndChan - legalStartChan + 1; } else { // No original data, first see if there's a background file to // base this on. If not, then get from response, which can // ONLY come from SOURCE 1 if not from original data. // Also can assume endChan - startChan + 1 = m_channels // because there will be no ignored or grouped chans. const string& backFile = record.inputBackgrounds(index).first; size_t backRow = record.inputBackgrounds(index).second; if (backFile.length()) { // Open background file and read just enough info to get its // range of non-grouped, non-ignored channels , and read its // DETCHANS keyword. Any other format checking will be // performed at a later point. try { std::auto_ptr bFile(openFitsExtension(backFile, XspecDataIO::SpectrumType)); int start=0, end=0; readChannelBounds(bFile->currentExtension(), start, end, backRow); size_t legalFirst=0, legalEnd=0; readChannelLimits(bFile->currentExtension(), STD_FIRST_CHAN(), legalFirst, legalEnd); chanInfo.m_startChan = static_cast(start); chanInfo.m_endChan = static_cast(end); chanInfo.m_firstChan = legalFirst; chanInfo.m_detChans = legalEnd - legalFirst + 1; } catch (...) { string msg(" attempting to read channel keyword and values from: "); msg += backFile; throw XspecDataIO::CatchAllIO(msg); } if (chanInfo.m_detChans < (chanInfo.m_endChan - chanInfo.m_startChan + 1)) { string msg("DETCHANS value is less than the number of channels"); msg += "\n found in file: "; msg += backFile; msg += "\n"; throw YellowAlert(msg); } } else if (record.inputResponses(index)[0].first == DUMMY_RSP) { chanInfo.m_detChans = XSContainer::responses->responseList(DUMMY_RSP,size_t(0))->numEnergies(); chanInfo.m_startChan = chanInfo.m_firstChan = DataSet::STD_FIRST_CHAN(); chanInfo.m_endChan = chanInfo.m_startChan + chanInfo.m_detChans - 1; } else { try { // This opens (and closes) the response file for the sole purpose of // pulling out the DETCHANS and TLMIN# value. It does not do as rigorous // a format check as when the response is ultimately opened during a // setResponse call. std::pair vals = getChanInfoFromResponse(record.inputResponses(index)[0].first); chanInfo.m_startChan = chanInfo.m_firstChan = (vals.first >= 0 ) ? static_cast(vals.first) : DataSet::STD_FIRST_CHAN(); chanInfo.m_detChans = static_cast(vals.second); chanInfo.m_endChan = chanInfo.m_startChan + chanInfo.m_detChans - 1; } catch (XspecDataIO::CannotOpen) { string newFile; XSparse::getFileNameFromUser(record.inputResponses(index)[0].first, newFile, XSutility::RSP); std::pair vals = getChanInfoFromResponse(newFile); chanInfo.m_startChan = chanInfo.m_firstChan = (vals.first >= 0 ) ? vals.first : DataSet::STD_FIRST_CHAN(); chanInfo.m_detChans = static_cast(vals.second); chanInfo.m_endChan = chanInfo.m_startChan + chanInfo.m_detChans - 1; FakeDataInputRecord::Detectors tmpDetIDs(1); tmpDetIDs[0].first = newFile; tmpDetIDs[0].second = 0; record.inputResponses(index, tmpDetIDs); } } } } void OGIP_92aData::writeCommonKeys (CCfits::Table* tbl) { //Ext. keywords common to type 1 and 2 const SpectralData *sd1 = sourceData(isMultiple() ? 1 : 0); tbl->addKey(HDUCLASS(), OGIPTYPE(), "format conforms to OGIP standard"); tbl->addKey(HDUCLAS1(), SPECTYPE(), "PHA dataset (OGIP memo OGIP-92-007)"); tbl->addKey("HDUVERS1","1.1.0","Version of format (OGIP memo OGIP-92-007a)"); // Needed to get around CCfits addKey const problem. string buffer = sd1->telescope(); tbl->addKey(TELESCOPE(), buffer, "mission/satellite name"); buffer = sd1->instrument(); tbl->addKey(INSTRUMENT(), buffer, "instrument/detector name"); if (sd1->channelType() == PHA) buffer="PHA"; else if (sd1->channelType() == PI) buffer="PI"; else buffer="UNKNOWN"; tbl->addKey(CHANNELTYPE(), buffer, "channel type (PHA, PI etc)"); tbl->writeDate(); string history("Fake data file created by "); history += DataSet::xspecVersion(); history += " \"fakeit\" command"; tbl->writeHistory(history); } void OGIP_92aData::outputType1Table () { const SpectralData* sd = sourceData(0); std::vector respNames; std::vector arfNames; collectRespArfNames(sd->detector(), respNames, arfNames); RealArray bScaleRatio(1.0, sd->channels()); const OutputInfo specOut(outputFileName(), sd, respNames, arfNames, outputBckFileName(), sd->correctionFile(), bScaleRatio, -sd->correctionScale(), dataSetBase()->modelNamesForFake(), aScaleIsKeyword(), bScaleIsKeyword()); outputTable1Common(specOut); if (outputBckFileName().length()) { const SpectralData* bsd = sd->background()->data(); const std::vector bckRespNames(1,"NONE"), bckArfNames(1,"NONE"); const string bckBckName("NONE"), bckCorrName("NONE"); const RealArray bckScaleRatio(bsd->backgroundScale()/sd->backgroundScale()); const OutputInfo bckOut(outputBckFileName(), bsd, bckRespNames, bckArfNames, bckBckName, bckCorrName, bckScaleRatio, 0.0, std::vector(0), sd->background()->aScaleIsKeyword(), sd->background()->bScaleIsKeyword()); outputTable1Common(bckOut); } } void OGIP_92aData::outputType2Table () { string hduName = SPECTYPE(); size_t nMaxChans = getMaxChannels(); size_t nSpec = numSpectra(); write(outputFileName()); const SpectralData *sd1 = sourceData(1); BoolArray optCols(OGIP_92aIO::NOPTCOLS,false); optCols[OGIP_92aIO::COUNTS_COL] = sd1->isPoisson(); optCols[OGIP_92aIO::STATERR_COL] = !sd1->isPoisson(); optCols[OGIP_92aIO::QUAL_COL] = anyQuality(); optCols[OGIP_92aIO::GROUP_COL] = anyGrouping(); optCols[OGIP_92aIO::ASCALE_COL] = !aScaleIsKeyword(); optCols[OGIP_92aIO::BSCALE_COL] = !bScaleIsKeyword(); CCfits::Table *tbl = makeType2Table(hduName, nSpec, nMaxChans, optCols); // Now add columns for storing the model and responses used in the // fakeit generation. const size_t nSources = std::min(XSContainer::datasets->numSourcesForSpectra(), static_cast(999)); if (nSources != XSContainer::datasets->numSourcesForSpectra()) { tcout <<"***Warning: There are too many model sources to record all of the model\n" <<" and response names used for fakeit generation. Only the first "<addKey(CORRSCALE(),-sd1->correctionScale(), "correction file scaling factor"); if (aScaleIsKeyword()) { tbl->addKey(AREASCALE(), sd1->areaScale(0), "area scaling factor"); } tbl->addKey(BACKFILE(),outputBckFileName(),"associated background filename"); if (bScaleIsKeyword()) { tbl->addKey(BACKSCALE(), sd1->backgroundScale(0), "background file scaling factor"); } tbl->addKey(EXPOSURE(),sd1->exposureTime(), "exposure (in seconds)"); std::ostringstream tlmin; std::ostringstream tlmax; int nChanCol = tbl->column(CHANNEL()).index(); tlmin << "TLMIN" << nChanCol; tlmax << "TLMAX" << nChanCol; tbl->addKey(tlmin.str(),dataSetBase()->legalStartChan(),"Lowest legal channel number"); tbl->addKey(tlmax.str(),dataSetBase()->legalEndChan(),"Highest legal channel number"); tbl->addKey(DETCHANS(),dataSetBase()->legalEndChan() - dataSetBase()->legalStartChan() + 1,"total number possible channels"); tbl->addKey(POISSERR(), sd1->isPoisson(), "Pois. err assumed ?"); for (size_t i=0; i respNames; std::vector arfNames; collectRespArfNames(sd->detector(), respNames, arfNames); RealArray bScaleRatio(1.0, sd->channels()); // Note: some of the parameters sent to the OutputInfo // ctor will not actually be used in outputTable2Common, // since they correspond to keywords already set above and // outputTable2Common only handles things which vary by // spectrum. The outputInfo class does need all of them // in the type1 case. const OutputInfo specOut(outputFileName(), sd, respNames, arfNames, outputBckFileName(), sd->correctionFile(), bScaleRatio,0.0, dataSetBase()->modelNamesForFake(), aScaleIsKeyword(), bScaleIsKeyword()); outputTable2Common(specOut, i+1, optCols); } closeFile(); if (outputBckFileName().length()) { // We need to know prior to making the type 2 table whether or not // ascale and bscale columns will be required. If any of the // spectra background objects require a column, then all will // have to. Otherwise a simple keyword will do. bool aColRequested = false, bColRequested = false; size_t firstBck = 0; for (size_t i=0; ibackground(); if (bck) { if (!firstBck) { firstBck = i+1; } if (!bck->aScaleIsKeyword()) { aColRequested = true; } if (!bck->bScaleIsKeyword()) { bColRequested = true; } if (aColRequested && bColRequested) break; } } optCols[OGIP_92aIO::ASCALE_COL] = aColRequested; optCols[OGIP_92aIO::BSCALE_COL] = bColRequested; // Set bsd1 to point to the spectrum of the first background // data object found in the set. If outputBckFileName has been // set, we can assume that at least 1 of the spectra in this // set has a valid background pointer. if (!firstBck) { throw RedAlert("Type 2 file output background data error."); } const SpectralData* bsd1 = sourceData(firstBck)->background()->data(); optCols[OGIP_92aIO::COUNTS_COL] = bsd1->isPoisson(); optCols[OGIP_92aIO::STATERR_COL] = !bsd1->isPoisson(); write(outputBckFileName()); CCfits::Table *tbl = makeType2Table(hduName, nSpec, nMaxChans, optCols); writeCommonKeys(tbl); tbl->addKey(CORRSCALE(),0.0, "correction file scaling factor"); if (!aColRequested) { tbl->addKey(AREASCALE(), bsd1->areaScale(0), "area scaling factor"); } const string bckBckName("NONE"); tbl->addKey(BACKFILE(),bckBckName,"associated background filename"); if (!bColRequested) { tbl->addKey(BACKSCALE(), bsd1->backgroundScale(0), "background file scaling factor"); } tbl->addKey(EXPOSURE(),bsd1->exposureTime(), "exposure (in seconds)"); std::ostringstream tlmin; std::ostringstream tlmax; int nChanCol = tbl->column(CHANNEL()).index(); tlmin << "TLMIN" << nChanCol; tlmax << "TLMAX" << nChanCol; tbl->addKey(tlmin.str(),dataSetBase()->legalStartChan(),"Lowest legal channel number"); tbl->addKey(tlmax.str(),dataSetBase()->legalEndChan(),"Highest legal channel number"); tbl->addKey(DETCHANS(),dataSetBase()->legalEndChan() - dataSetBase()->legalStartChan() + 1,"total number possible channels"); tbl->addKey(POISSERR(), bsd1->isPoisson(), "Pois. err assumed ?"); for (size_t i=0; ibackground() ? sd->background()->data() : 0; SpectralData dummyBsd(this, sd->channels(),i+1, origNumSources()); if (!actualBsd) { dummyBsd.initializeFake(sd); RealArray tmp(.0,dummyBsd.channels()); dummyBsd.setSpectrum(tmp); tmp = 1.0; dummyBsd.setAreaScale(tmp); dummyBsd.setBackgroundScale(tmp); } const SpectralData *bsd = actualBsd ? actualBsd : &dummyBsd; const std::vector bckRespNames(1), bckArfNames(1); const string bckCorrName(""); RealArray bckScaleRatio = bsd->backgroundScale()/ sourceData(i+1)->backgroundScale(); const OutputInfo bckOut(outputBckFileName(), bsd, bckRespNames, bckArfNames, bckBckName, bckCorrName, bckScaleRatio, 0.0, std::vector(0), !aColRequested, !bColRequested); outputTable2Common(bckOut, i+1, optCols); } closeFile(); } } void OGIP_92aData::outputTable1Common (const OutputInfo& info) { int nl=-999; write(info.fileName()); string hduName = SPECTYPE(); const SpectralData* sd = info.sd(); // nChans refers to the # of ungrouped channels. size_t nChans = sd->endChan()-sd->startChan()+1; BoolArray optCols(OGIP_92aIO::NOPTCOLS, false); optCols[OGIP_92aIO::COUNTS_COL] = sd->isPoisson(); optCols[OGIP_92aIO::STATERR_COL] = !sd->isPoisson(); optCols[OGIP_92aIO::QUAL_COL] = static_cast(sd->qualityInfo().size()); optCols[OGIP_92aIO::GROUP_COL] = static_cast(sd->groupingInfo().size()); optCols[OGIP_92aIO::ASCALE_COL] = !info.isAScaleKeyword(); optCols[OGIP_92aIO::BSCALE_COL] = !info.isBScaleKeyword(); CCfits::Table *tbl = makeType1Table(hduName, nChans, optCols); writeCommonKeys(tbl); // This function will also take care of RESPFILE and ANCRFILE keys fakeitModRespHistory(tbl, info, 0); tbl->addKey(CORRFILE(),info.corrName(),"associated correction filename"); tbl->addKey(CORRSCALE(),info.corrScale(), "correction file scaling factor"); tbl->addKey(BACKFILE(),info.bckName(),"associated background filename"); tbl->addKey(EXPOSURE(),sd->exposureTime(), "exposure (in seconds)"); std::ostringstream tlmin; std::ostringstream tlmax; int nChanCol = tbl->column(CHANNEL()).index(); tlmin << "TLMIN" << nChanCol; tlmax << "TLMAX" << nChanCol; tbl->addKey(tlmin.str(),dataSetBase()->legalStartChan(),"Lowest legal channel number"); tbl->addKey(tlmax.str(),dataSetBase()->legalEndChan(),"Highest legal channel number"); tbl->addKey(DETCHANS(),dataSetBase()->legalEndChan() - dataSetBase()->legalStartChan() + 1,"total number possible channels"); tbl->addKey(POISSERR(), sd->isPoisson(), "Pois. err assumed ?"); IntegerArray chans(nChans); size_t startChan = sd->startChan(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nChans; ++i) chans[i] = i + startChan; IntegerArray lostChans; DataUtility::getLostChannelNumbers(sd->qualityInfo(), sd->groupingInfo(), lostChans); tbl->column(CHANNEL()).write(chans, 1, &nl); // Need to do this multiplication outside the CCfits call to // build on Linux. RealArray tmp = sd->spectrum()*sd->areaScale()*info.bckScaleRatio(); RealArray fillTmp; IntegerArray iFillTmp; Real defVal = 0.0; if (sd->isPoisson()) { tmp *= sd->exposureTime(); size_t nC = sd->channels(); IntegerArray counts(nC); for (size_t i=0; i(tmp[i] + .5); } int iVal = 0; DataUtility::fillLostChannels(lostChans, counts, iFillTmp, iVal); tbl->column(COUNTS()).write(iFillTmp, 1, &nl); } else { RealArray tmpErr = sd->rawVariance()*sd->areaScale()*sd->areaScale()* info.bckScaleRatio()*info.bckScaleRatio(); DataUtility::fillLostChannels(lostChans, tmp, fillTmp, defVal); tbl->column(RATE()).write(fillTmp, 1); DataUtility::fillLostChannels(lostChans, tmpErr, fillTmp, defVal); // CCfits on linux won't allow this in function arg: RealArray stdDev(sqrt(fillTmp)); tbl->column(STATISTICAL()).write(stdDev, 1); } defVal = -999.99; if (optCols[OGIP_92aIO::QUAL_COL]) { tbl->column(QUALITY()).write(sd->qualityInfo(), 1, &nl); } if (optCols[OGIP_92aIO::GROUP_COL]) { tbl->column(GROUPING()).write(sd->groupingInfo(), 1, &nl); } if (optCols[OGIP_92aIO::ASCALE_COL]) { DataUtility::fillLostChannels(lostChans, sd->areaScale(), fillTmp, defVal); tbl->column(AREASCALE()).write(fillTmp,1); } else { tbl->addKey(AREASCALE(), sd->areaScale(0), "area scaling factor"); } if (optCols[OGIP_92aIO::BSCALE_COL]) { DataUtility::fillLostChannels(lostChans, sd->backgroundScale(), fillTmp, defVal); tbl->column(BACKSCALE()).write(fillTmp,1); } else { tbl->addKey(BACKSCALE(), sd->backgroundScale(0), "background file scaling factor"); } closeFile(); } void OGIP_92aData::outputTable2Common (const OutputInfo& info, size_t row, const BoolArray& optCols) { // We KNOW this extension is a binary table. CCfits::Table* tbl = static_cast(&dataSource()->extension(SPECTYPE())); // NOTE: Current implementation will either output a statistical error // column for all spectra in table or none of them, in which case // Poisserr keyword has already been set to true in header. const bool isPoisson = !optCols[OGIP_92aIO::STATERR_COL]; const SpectralData *sd = info.sd(); if (sd) { int nl=-9999; IntegerArray specNum(1, row); tbl->column(NUMKEY()).write(specNum, row); std::vector > chans(1); std::vector > quality(1); std::vector > grouping(1); size_t nChans = sd->endChan() - sd->startChan() + 1; chans[0].resize(nChans); std::valarray& chans0 = chans[0]; size_t startChan = sd->startChan(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nChans; ++i) { chans0[i] = i + startChan; } std::valarray& quality0 = quality[0]; std::valarray& grouping0 = grouping[0]; // sd's quality and grouping are vector not valarrays, hence // the element by element copy. if (sd->qualityInfo().size()) { quality0.resize(nChans); for (size_t i=0; iqualityInfo(i); } } else if (optCols[OGIP_92aIO::QUAL_COL]) { // The table has a quality column and is expecting something // even though spectrum has no quality info. So, make a dummy // quality array of all 0's. quality0.resize(nChans,0); } if (sd->groupingInfo().size()) { grouping0.resize(nChans); for (size_t i=0; igroupingInfo(i); } } else if (optCols[OGIP_92aIO::GROUP_COL]) { // Make a dummy gouping array of all 1's. grouping0.resize(nChans,1); } IntegerArray lostChans; DataUtility::getLostChannelNumbers(sd->qualityInfo(), sd->groupingInfo(), lostChans); std::vector fillTmp(1); Real defVal = 0.0; if (isPoisson) { // output counts and no stat_err column. std::vector > iFillTmp(1); const RealArray rcounts = sd->spectrum()*sd->exposureTime()*sd->areaScale() *info.bckScaleRatio(); size_t nC = sd->channels(); std::valarray counts(nC); for (size_t i=0; i(rcounts[i] + .5); } int iVal = 0; DataUtility::fillLostChannels(lostChans, counts, iFillTmp[0], iVal); tbl->column(COUNTS()).writeArrays(iFillTmp, row, &nl); } else { // output rate (cts/sec) and stat_err column. RealArray rate(sd->channels()); RealArray areaAndRatio(sd->areaScale()*info.bckScaleRatio()); rate = sd->spectrum()*areaAndRatio; DataUtility::fillLostChannels(lostChans, rate, fillTmp[0], defVal); tbl->column(RATE()).writeArrays(fillTmp, row); RealArray tmpErr(sd->rawVariance()*areaAndRatio*areaAndRatio); DataUtility::fillLostChannels(lostChans, tmpErr, fillTmp[0], defVal); // output stdDev: fillTmp[0] = sqrt(fillTmp[0]); tbl->column(STATISTICAL()).writeArrays(fillTmp, row); } defVal = -999.0; tbl->column(CHANNEL()).writeArrays(chans, row, &nl); if (optCols[OGIP_92aIO::QUAL_COL]) { tbl->column(QUALITY()).writeArrays(quality, row, &nl); } if (optCols[OGIP_92aIO::GROUP_COL]) { tbl->column(GROUPING()).writeArrays(grouping, row, &nl); } if (optCols[OGIP_92aIO::ASCALE_COL]) { DataUtility::fillLostChannels(lostChans, sd->areaScale(), fillTmp[0], defVal); tbl->column(AREASCALE()).writeArrays(fillTmp, row); } if (optCols[OGIP_92aIO::BSCALE_COL]) { DataUtility::fillLostChannels(lostChans, sd->backgroundScale(), fillTmp[0], defVal); tbl->column(BACKSCALE()).writeArrays(fillTmp, row); } StringArray corr(1, info.corrName()); tbl->column(CORRFILE()).write(corr,row); fakeitModRespHistory(tbl, info, row); } } void OGIP_92aData::setFilterKeys (size_t row) { CCfits::ExtHDU& ext = dataSource()->extension(extensionName()); SpectralData* spectrum = sourceData(row); using namespace std; for (size_t j = 1; j <= 10; ++j) { std::ostringstream xfltKey; xfltKey << FILTER() << setfill('0') << right << setw(4) << j; try { // the case where the filterKeys are Keywords. string key(xfltKey.str()); Real val; try { const CCfits::Keyword& keyword = ext.keyWord(key); if (typeid(keyword) == typeid(CCfits::KeyData)) { int ival; keyword.value(ival); val = Real(ival); } else if (typeid(keyword) == typeid(CCfits::KeyData)) { double fval; keyword.value(fval); val = Real(fval); } else if (typeid(keyword) == typeid(CCfits::KeyData)) { string sval; keyword.value(sval); std::istringstream ssVal(sval); if (!(ssVal >> val) || !ssVal.eof()) { // User may have entered some variant // of 'none'. Don't throw, but don't // add to filter keys vector. continue; } } else { throw IncorrectDataType(key); } spectrum->xflt(j,val); continue; } catch (CCfits::HDU::NoSuchKeyword) { } // If we reached here, XFLT---- is not a keyword. // Check if it exists as a column // throws a Table::NoSuchColumn exception CCfits::Column& col = ext.column(key); if (typeid(col) == typeid(CCfits::ColumnData)) { std::vector ivals; col.read(ivals,row,row); val = Real(ivals[0]); } else if (typeid(col) == typeid(CCfits::ColumnData)) { std::vector fvals; col.read(fvals,row,row); val = Real(fvals[0]); } else if (typeid(col) == typeid(CCfits::ColumnData)) { std::vector svals; col.read(svals,row,row); std::istringstream ssVal(svals[0]); if (!(ssVal >> val) || !ssVal.eof()) { continue; } } else { throw IncorrectDataType(key); } spectrum->xflt(j,val); } catch ( CCfits::FitsException& ) { } } } RealArray OGIP_92aData::scaleVector (const string& key, int row, int first, int last) { CCfits::ExtHDU& ext = dataSource()->extension(extensionName()); int ungroupedChannels (last - first + 1); RealArray scale(1.,ungroupedChannels); const SpectralData* spec = sourceData(row); try { if ( row == 0 ) { ext.column(key).read(scale,first,last); } else { // type II file CCfits::Column& col = ext.column(key); if (col.repeat() > 1) { col.read(scale, row); } else { RealArray tmp; col.read(tmp, row, row); scale = tmp[0]; } } bool badScaleVal = false; for (int j = 0; j < ungroupedChannels; ++j) { if (scale[j] == .0 && spec->qualityInfo()[j] != 1) { badScaleVal = true; scale[j] = 1.; } } if (badScaleVal) tcout <<"***Warning: Data file " << dataName() <<" contains 1 or more\n" <<" good quality channels with invalid "<aScaleIsKeyword(true); } else if (key == BACKSCALE()) { dataSetBase()->bScaleIsKeyword(true); } } return scale; } bool OGIP_92aData::isNet (const RealArray& spectrum) { // if the "NET" flag hasn't been set already, check that there are // no negative values and set it. If no negative values are found, // then we assume that the file is not background subtracted if // it's Type I, but can assume this if it's Type II. if ( !netIsSet() ) { size_t N(spectrum.size()); size_t i(0); bool negative(false); while ( i < N && !negative) { negative = spectrum[i] < 0; ++i; } if ( negative ) { netIsSet(true); net(true); } else { if ( !isMultiple()) netIsSet(true); } } return OGIP_92aIO::isNet(); } FakeDataInputRecord::Detectors OGIP_92aData::getResponseName (size_t rowNum) const { FakeDataInputRecord::Detectors respIDs; const SpectralData* sd = 0; if (rowNum == 0) { sd = spectralData(); } else { XSContainer::SpectralDataMapConstIt sdIt = multiSpectralData().find(rowNum); if (sdIt != multiSpectralData().end()) { sd = sdIt->second; } } if (!sd) throw RedAlert("Attempt to access non-existing spectrum in OGIP-9aData::getResponseName"); const std::vector& dets = sd->detector(); for (size_t i=0; i(rsp)) { fName = udr->usingChannels() ? USR_DUMMY_RSP : string(""); } else { fName = (dynamic_cast(rsp))->rmfName(); } if (fName.length()) { FakeDataInputRecord::ResponseID respID(fName, i); respIDs.push_back(respID); } } } return respIDs; } void OGIP_92aData::fakeitModRespHistory (CCfits::Table* tbl, const OutputInfo& info, size_t rowNum) { using namespace std; // modelNames vector should either be size 0 or numSourcesForSpectra. // If modelName is filled in, we know there's a corresponding response, // either dummy or real. size_t nSources = info.modelNames().size(); if (nSources > 999) { // Is this ever going to happen? Doubtful. tcout <<"***Warning: There are too many model sources to record all of fakeit history." << std::endl; nSources = 999; } // There could be responses without associated models, which // should not be printed as part of history. // Judgement Call: Which response to eventually use for RESPFILE? // Let's use the first non-dummy that's also associated with // a model. It's possible there's an unassociated response, // but then it wouldn't have been part of the fakeit generation // and so seems irrelevant. Note that there also may be NO // non-dummy associated responses. string forRespfile, forAncrfile; bool issueNameLengthWarning = false; for (size_t i=0; iaddKey(modKey, info.modelNames()[i], string("")); else { // We're going to go behind CCfits' back to write long string // keywords. This shouldn't cause problems though, particularly // since we aren't going to need to access these keys once they // are written. int status=0; fits_write_key_longwarn(tbl->fitsPointer(), &status); fits_write_key_longstr(tbl->fitsPointer(), const_cast(modKey.c_str()), const_cast(info.modelNames()[i].c_str()), 0, &status); } } string respName = info.respNames()[i]; string arfName = info.arfNames()[i]; if (respName.length() <= s_fkKeyValLen && arfName.length() <= s_fkKeyValLen) { if (forRespfile.empty() && respName != string("dummyrsp")) { forRespfile = respName; forAncrfile = arfName; // this may be empty } } else { if (respName.length() > s_fkKeyValLen) { // Only keep the first s_fkKeyValLen chars. Do NOT // let this abbreviated name be stored by the RESPFILE // keyword since it will cause a file loading failure. respName = respName.substr(0,s_fkKeyValLen); issueNameLengthWarning = true; } if (arfName.length() > s_fkKeyValLen) { arfName = arfName.substr(0,s_fkKeyValLen); issueNameLengthWarning = true; } } string rspKey = s_fkRspRoot + keyNum.str(); if (rowNum == 0) { // type 1 file tbl->addKey(rspKey, respName, string("")); if (arfName.length()) { string arfKey = s_fkArfRoot + keyNum.str(); tbl->addKey(arfKey, arfName, string("")); } } else { // type 2 file std::vector names(1); // Could just simply write empty names, but then it appears in // table as a blank rather than "NULL". So to give things // a more uniform appearance, only write if strings are not // empty. if (respName.length()) { names[0] = respName; tbl->column(rspKey).write(names, rowNum); } if (arfName.length()) { names[0] = arfName; string arfKey = s_fkArfRoot + keyNum.str(); tbl->column(arfKey).write(names, rowNum); } } } // end if model } // end sources loop if (rowNum == 0) { string respComment("associated redistrib matrix filename"); string arfComment("associated ancillary response filename"); int availCommentLen = std::max(0, (int)s_fkKeyValLen - (int)forRespfile.length() - 3); respComment = respComment.substr(0, static_cast(availCommentLen)); availCommentLen = std::max(0, (int)s_fkKeyValLen - (int)forAncrfile.length() - 3); arfComment = arfComment.substr(0, static_cast(availCommentLen)); tbl->addKey(RESPFILE(),forRespfile,respComment); tbl->addKey(ANCRFILE(),forAncrfile,arfComment); } else { std::vector names(1,forRespfile); tbl->column(RESPFILE()).write(names, rowNum); names[0] = forAncrfile; tbl->column(ANCRFILE()).write(names, rowNum); } if (issueNameLengthWarning) { tcout << "***Warning: 1 or more RMF or ARF filenames exceeds " << s_fkKeyValLen << " chars.\n" << " It will not be used for the fakeit file's RESPFILE or ANCRFILE entry,\n" << " and will appear abbreviated in the FKRSP or FKARF history listing." << std::endl; } } void OGIP_92aData::collectRespArfNames (const std::vector& detectors, std::vector& respNames, std::vector& arfNames) { // Intended for gathering names of responses used in generating a fakeit // spectrum. const size_t nSources = detectors.size(); respNames.resize(nSources); arfNames.resize(nSources); for (size_t i=0; itoRealResponse(); // could be a dummy response if (rr) { respNames[i] = rr->rmfName(); arfNames[i] = rr->arfName(); if (rr->arfRow() != 0) { std::ostringstream tmp; tmp << arfNames[i] << "{" << rr->arfRow() << "}"; arfNames[i] = tmp.str(); } } else respNames[i] = "dummyrsp"; } } } void OGIP_92aData::type2FakeitHistoryCols (CCfits::Table* tbl, size_t nSources) { using namespace std; const size_t nS = min(nSources,static_cast(999)); for (size_t iSource=0; iSourceaddColumn(CCfits::Tstring, colName, static_cast(s_fkKeyValLen)); colName = s_fkArfRoot + keyNum.str(); tbl->addColumn(CCfits::Tstring, colName, static_cast(s_fkKeyValLen)); } } // Additional Declarations