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National Latino Council on Alcohol and Tobacco Prevention

Contact Information

1616 P Street NW
Suite 430
Washington, DC 20036

202-265-8054 (Voice)
202-265-8056 (FAX)

Internet Resources


The Latino Council on Alcohol and Tobacco (LCAT) is a non-profit 501C3 tax exempt, national organization created in 1989 by a group of Latino public health professionals and community activists from throughout the United States. LCAT’s mission is to combat alcohol and tobacco problems and their underlying causes in Latino communities. LCAT is unique since it is the only Latino national organization dedicated solely to reducing the harm caused by alcohol and tobacco in the Latino community through research, policy analysis, community education, training and information dissemination.



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Date Entered: 10/29/2001
Date Edited: 1/9/2008
Date Revised: 11/26/2002
Health Referral Number: HR3491
Accession Number:

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