National  Health Information Center 

Health Information Resource Database

[Inclusion of an information resource in this database does not imply endorsement
by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.]

Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities

Contact Information

1730 K Street NW
Suite 1212
Washington, DC 20006

202-785-3388 (Voice)
202-467-4179 (FAX)

Internet Resources


This is a coalition of approximately100 national consumer, advocacy, provider and professional organizations working together to advocate on behalf of people of all ages with physical and mental disabilities and their families. The Consortium's mission is to support national public policy that ensures self determination, independence, empowerment, integration and inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in all aspects of society.



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Date Entered: 5/31/2000
Date Edited: 6/21/2004
Date Revised: 8/14/2001
Health Referral Number: HR3346
Accession Number:

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