National  Health Information Center 

Health Information Resource Database

[Inclusion of an information resource in this database does not imply endorsement
by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.]

National Council on Disability

Contact Information

1331 F Street NW
Suite 850
Washington, DC 20004

202-272-2004 (Voice)
202-272-2074 (FAX)
202-272-2022 (Voice - TTY)

Internet Resources


The Council was established by Congress in 1978 and was transformed into an independent Federal agency in 1984. The 15 members appointed by the President and confirmed by the U.S. Senate review all laws, programs, and policies of the Federal Government affecting individuals with disabilities. The Council then makes recommendations to the President, Congress, and other Federal agencies on these issues.


Serial publication: NCD Bulletin (newsletter)--monthly; Variety of publications also available relating to disability. All publications are free of charge and available in braille, large print, and on diskette.


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Date Entered: 9/1/1997
Date Edited: 12/4/2007
Date Revised: 1/3/2002
Health Referral Number: HR2405
Accession Number: DP91A0936

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