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Council of Citizens with Low Vision International

Contact Information

Patricia M. Beattie, President
906 N. Chambliss Street
Alexandria, VA 22312

800-733-2258 (Voice),

Internet Resources


The Council of Citizens with Low Vision (CCLV) is an advocacy membership organization for partially sighted people. It aims to establish their right to make full use of their vision through the necessary aids, services, and technology; to educate the public and professionals about the needs and abilities of the partially sighted; to promote research and professional training; and to establish outreach programs to ensure that all partially sighted persons get the services they need. The Council is involved in obtaining Federal money for the purchase of vision aids and eliminating architectural barriers for the partially sighted. Membership is open to all persons with low vision and to their families.


The Council publishes a brochure describing itself and its aims. Serial publication: Newsletter, quarterly--information on aspects of low vision, legislation, resources, and announcements of meetings.


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Authorizing legislation: Public Law 99-158, Health Research Extension Act of 1985.


Date Entered: 7/1/1998
Date Edited: 9/6/2006
Date Revised: 1/3/2002
Health Referral Number: HR1105
Accession Number: DP91A0261

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