National  Health Information Center 

Health Information Resource Database

[Inclusion of an information resource in this database does not imply endorsement
by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.]

National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress

Contact Information

Frank Kurt Cylke, Director
1291 Taylor Street NW
Washington, DC 20542

800-424-8567 (Voice - Toll-free),
202-707-5100 (Voice),
202-707-0712 (FAX),
202-707-0744 (Voice - TDD),

Internet Resources


Administers a national library service that provides braille and recorded books and magazines on free loan to residents of the United States and American citizens abroad who cannot read standard print because of permanent or temporary visual or physical disabilities. There are 57 regional libraries and 74 local libraries in the network.


Serial publications: Braille Book Review, bimonthly--new braille books and program news; News (newsletter), quarterly--current program developments; Talking Book Topics, bimonthly--new recorded books and program news; Update (newsletter), quarterly--news on volunteer activities; Musical Mainstream (magazine), bimonthly--articles selected from print music magazines. Other subject bibliographies are also available.


You may search for other related entries in the database under the following topics.


Authorizing Legislation: Public Law 89-522.


Date Entered: 6/1/1998
Date Edited: 11/20/2006
Date Revised: 11/7/2007 12:51:06 PM
Health Referral Number: HR0703
Accession Number: DP91A0972

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