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Deafness Research Foundation-DRF

Contact Information

CEO Andrea Kardonsky
641 Lexington Avenue
15th Floor
New York, NY 10022

866-454-3924 (Voice - Toll-free)
212-328-9480 (Voice)
212-328-9484 (FAX)
888-435-6104 (Voice - TTY)

Internet Resources


The Deafness Research Foundation (DRF) is a national voluntary health organization committed to directing public attention and support for basic as well as clinical research on the causes, treatment, and prevention of deafness and other hearing disabilities. DRF's principal work is that of awarding grants to finance promising new medical and scientific research projects, nationwide and in Canada. DRF's public education program informs individuals about the preventive aspects of deafness and hearing loss. Public service announcements and brochures are produced and distributed across the country. DRF also participates in the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders' (NIDCD) National Temporal Bone Bank.


Hearing Health magazine, a free quarterly publication (to subscribe visit the Web site at Information on infant hearing screenings, Centurions, and research in progress may be obtained upon request.


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Date Entered: 5/1/1998
Date Edited: 8/20/2008
Date Revised: 11/7/2007 12:39:03 PM
Health Referral Number: HR0333
Accession Number: DP91A0413

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