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     Transportation systems in the U.S. and around the world face the challenge of providing for increased mobility of people and goods while reducing impacts on the environment and finding sustainable sources of energy. Governmental policies, from investment in research to information, efficiency or emissions standards and fiscal measures, play a critical role in the effort to create a sustainable transportation system. The Transportation Energy and Environmental Policy program conducts research and policy analysis to support the development of efficient, effective and equitable policies to achieve a sustainable transportation system.

Energy and Environmental Policy Analysis - Research Staff
Primary Contact: David Greene

Randy Curlee
Sujit Das

Stacy Davis

Ho-Ling Hwang
Rick Schmoyer
Tykey Truett




Recent Work:

 Analysis of impacts and effectiveness of fuel economy standards
 Modeling long-term energy transitions for transportation
 Draft report on reformulated diesel fuel study:
Estimating Impacts of
Diesel Fuel Reformulation with Vector-based Blending, Draft, ORNL/TM-2000/225.
Completed preliminary "Comparison of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and
Off-road Phase-in Alternatives."
 Motor Fuel Consumption Analysis and Modeling
Analysis of environmental impacts of transportation in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
 Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 26
 Investigation of Class 2b Trucks
 An Analysis of the Impact of Sport Utility Vehicles in the United States


Useful Links, Resources, and Web Based Tools
Fuel Economy Website
Transportation Energy Data Book
Transportation Research Board Committees
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
FreedomCAR & Vehicle Technologies Program

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