United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Plants useful for Coastal Stabilization and Restoration

Updated 11/02/2007


These documents require Adobe Acrobat.

Clicking on the scientific name will take you to detailed information in the PLANTS database.

Grasses, Sedges, and Rushes

Symbol Scientific Name Common Name Plant Guide Plant Fact Sheet Conservation Plant Release
AMBR Ammophila breviligulata American beachgrass Adobe (171 KB) Adobe (236 KB) Adobe 'Cape' (4.4 MB)
Adobe Beachgrass planting guide (687 KB)
DISP Distichlis spicata seashore saltgrass Adobe (89 KB)
ELCE Eleocharis cellulosa Torr. gulf coast spikerush    
JURO Juncus roemerianus black needlerush
PAAM2 Panicum amarum bitter panicum Adobe (205 KB) Adobe 'Fourchon'  (667 KB)
Adobe 'Northpa' and 'Southpa' release notice (418 KB)
Adobe 'Northpa and Southpa' brochure (581 KB)
Adobe Bitter panicum planting guide (81 KB)
PAAMA2 Panicum amarum var. amarulum coastal/ bitter panicgrass Adobe (209 KB) Adobe 'Atlantic' (2.4 MB)
PAVA Paspalum vaginatum seashore paspalum Adobe (168 KB) Adobe 'Brazoria'  (539 KB)
SCSC Schizachyrium scoparium coastal/ little bluestem  Adobe (182 KB) Adobe 'Nash' (280 KB)
Adobe Suther Prairie release notice (41 KB)
SPAL Spartina alterniflora*

*exclude from plantings on the west coast

smooth cordgrass Adobe (198 KB)  Adobe (182 KB) Adobe 'Vermillion' (570 KB)
Adobe Bayshore smooth cordgrass release notice  (64 KB)
SPPA Spartina patens saltmeadow cordgrass Adobe (250 KB) Adobe 'Flageo' (1.2 MB)
Adobe 'Gulf Coast' (313 KB)
Adobe Marshhay cordgrass release notice (97 KB)
Adobe Marshay cordgrass planting guide (32 KB)
Adobe 'Avalon' (64 KB) release notice
SPSP Spartina spartinae gulf cordgrass (308 KB)
SPVI3 Sporobolus virginicus  seashore dropseed
UNPA Uniola paniculata seaoats Adobe 'Caminada'  (426 KB)

Forbs and Wildflowers

Symbol Scientific Name Common Name Plant Guide Plant Fact Sheet Conservation Plant Release
CARO26 Canavalia rosea beach bean
CHFA2 Chamaecrista fasciculata partridge pea
Adobe (241 KB) Adobe 'Lark' (9 KB)
HEDED Helianthus debilis beach sunflower Adobe (273 KB) Adobe 'Flora Sun' (1 MB) brochure
Adobe 'Flora Sun' (122 KB) -  release notice
SOSE Solidago sempervirens seaside goldenrod Adobe 'Monarch' (47 KB)

Trees and Shrubs

Symbol Scientific Name Common Name Plant Guide Plant Fact Sheet Conservation Plant Release
AVGE Avicennia germinans black mangrove Adobe 'Pelican'  (388 KB)
BAHA Baccharis halimifolia L. eastern baccharis Adobe (157 KB) Adobe (267 KB)
COUV Coccoloba uvifera seagrape
IVFR Iva frutescens L. marsh elder/ Jesuit's bark Adobe (188 KB)
IVIM Iva imbricata seashore elder
JUCO12 Juniperus conferta Parl. shore juniper Adobe (283 KB) Adobe 'Emerald Sea' (3.8 MB)
MOCE2 Morella cerifera wax myrtle
MOPE6 Morella pensylvanica northern bayberry   Adobe (299 KB) Adobe Technical note:  Bayberry Die-out (355 KB)
PRMA2 Prunus maritima beach plum Adobe (190 KB)
SCRO5 Schoenoplectus robustus saltmarsh bulrush (175 KB)

Technical Documents from the Plant Materials Program

Adobe LLoyd-Reilley, J. and S. Maher.  2005. Poster:  A Bioengineering Approach to Coastal Shoreline Stabilization.  USDA-NRCS Kika de la Garza Plant Materials Center. Kingsville, TX.  September 2005. 1 p. (358 KB)

Adobe Luscher, A. and C. Hollingsworth. 2005. Shore Erosion Control:  The Natural Approach.  Maryland Department of Natural Resources and USDA-NRCS.  July 2005.  12 p. (800 KB)

Adobe Cape May Plant Materials Center. 2004.  Plant Release Grower/Vendor List.  USDA-NRCS Cape May Plant Materials Center.  Cape May, NJ.  April 2004. 3 p. (49 KB)

Adobe Fournier, M. and C. Miller, ed. and W. Skaradek, Ed.  2003. Standard for Creating and Restoring Sand Dunes.  USDA-NRCS Cape May Plant Materials Center.  Cape May, NJ.  2003. 11 p. (187 KB)

Adobe Skaradek, B. and C. Miller. 2003. Beachgrass Planting Guide for Volunteers and Municipalities. USDA-NRCS Cape May Plant Materials Center, Cape May, NJ. 2003. 2 p. (687 KB) (ID# 4697) 

Adobe Lloyd-Reilley, J. and S. Maher.  2002. Coastal Waterbird Nesting Habitat Enhancement. USDA-NRCS Kika de la Garza Plant Materials Center. Kingsville, TX. Oct. 2002. 2p. (403 KB) (ID# 4295)

Adobe Skaradek, W.  2002.  Investigations into American beachgrass (Ammophila breviligulata) Die-out at National Park Service Unit Sandy Hook, NJ.  USDA NRCS Cape May Plant Materials Center.  Cape May, NJ.  July 2002. 2 p. (161 KB) 

Adobe Farek, G. and J. LLoyd-Reilley.  2001.  A Bioengineering System for Coastal Shoreline Stabilization, Land and Water.  Fort Dodge, IA.  September/October 2000, 3 p. (66 KB) (ID# 869) 

Adobe Alderson, J.  1999. Fact Sheet:  Streambank and Shoreline Protection - Conservation Practice 580. USDA-NRCS Plant Materials Program, Temple, TX.  September 1999.  2 p. (498 KB) (ID# 85)

Adobe Cape May Plant Materials Center.  1999.  Technical Note 99-01:  Bayberry (Myrica pensylvanica) Die-Out in the Coastal Mid-Atlantic.  USDA-NRCS Cape May Plant Materials Center.  Cape May, NJ.  April 1999.  2 p. (355 KB)  

Adobe Miller, C. and W. Skaradek.  1998.  Abstract:  Improving Plant Diversity on Coastal Sand Dunes.  Northeast Chapter, American Shore and Beach Preservation Association meeting in Ocean City, NJ.  1998.  (116 KB)

Adobe Kika de la Garza Plant Materials Center. 1998. Technical Note: A Bioengineering System for Coastal Shoreline Stabilization. USDA-NRCS Kingsville Plant Materials Center, Kingsville, TX. Sept. 1998. 6p. (51 KB) (ID# 2743)

Adobe Douglas, J.L. 1994. Technical Note: Shoreline Erosion Control with Maidencane. USDA- NRCS Jamie L. Whitten Plant Materials Center, Coffeeville, MS. Vol. 10(3), 1984. 2p. (9 KB) (ID# 643)

Adobe Surrency, D.  1992. Measures for Stabilizing Coastal Dunes:  Alabama, Georgia.  USDA-NRCS Georgia Plant Materials Center, Americus, GA.  August 1992. 16 p. (2.6 MB)

Adobe Sharp, C., C. Belcher, and J. Oyler.  1980 . Vegetation for Tidal Stabilization in the Mid-Atlantic States.  USDA Soil Conservation Service.  Broomall, Pennsylvania.  1980.  19 p. (2.6 MB)

Information on Plant Species and Conservation Plant Releases

Adobe Miller, C.  2004.  Coastal Bluestem Fact Sheet.  USDA-NRCS NJ State Office, Somerset, NJ. 2p. (280 KB) (ID# 5737)

Adobe Kadin, Elizabeth.  2001.  Plant Fact Sheet:  Gulf Coast Spikerush.  USDA-NRCS Kika de la Garza Plant Materials Center.  October 2001.  2 p.  (217 KB) (ID# 751)

Adobe Skaradek, B. and C. Miller. 1999. Planting Guide: Solidago Sempervirens Monarch Germplasm (seaside goldenrod). USDA-NRCS Cape May Plant Materials Center, Cape May, NJ. Jan. 1999. 2p. (47 KB) (ID# 2665)

Adobe Maura, C., S. Sanders, and J. Lawrence. 1996. Planting Guide: Panicum amarum (bitter panicum). USDA-NRCS Brooksville Plant Materials Center, Brooksville, FL. Jan. 1996. 1p. (81KB) (ID# 1882)

Adobe Maura, C., S. Sanders, and J. Lawrence. 1996. Planting Guide: Spartina patens (marshhay cordgrass). USDA-NRCS Brooksville Plant Materials Center, Brooksville, FL. Jan. 1996. 1p. (66KB) (ID# 1883)

Adobe Newman, J. and T. Glasgow. 1991. Notice of Release:  Flora sun beach sunflower (Helianthus debilis). USDA-NRCS Brooksville Plant Materials Center, Brooksville, FL.  Jul. 1991. 4 p. (122 KB) (ID# 6220)

Adobe USDA-NRCS Cape May Plant Materials Center.  1993.  Notice of Release: Bayshore smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora).  USDA-NRCS Cape May Plant Materials Center.  Cape May, NJ.  1993.  4 p.  (64 KB) (ID# 382)

General Interest Articles

Adobe Dunne, M.  2001.  Center Tries to Find Natural Defense to Louisiana Coastal Erosion.  The Morning Advocate.  Baton Rouge, LA.  November 2001.  1 p. (37 KB) (ID# 1912)

Adobe Dunne, M. 2001. Researchers Link Coastal Survival to CordgrassThe Morning Advocate.  Baton Rouge, LA.  October 2001. 2 p. (59 KB) (ID# 1913)


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