United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Plant Materials Program Go to Accessibility Information
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PM Program Intranet: Presentations and Training Materials

Updated 05/30/2008

The following presentations are available for PM staff to use however they want to. You may use parts or all of the presentation. If you need any of these materials on CD because of a slow Internet connection please e-mail us.

  • Marketing Tools - Displays, Plant Materials Program videos and other technical training resources.


General Plant Materials Presentation - (Power Point Presentation) This a good overview of the program. It was prepared by Resource Concepts Inc. in cooperation with the National PMC. This presentation was distributed to all State Conservationists in June 2002. There are many good slides and pictures which have application for other topics.

Pre-Varietal Release Power Point Presentation- (Power Point Presentation) By Bruce Munda

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