United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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PM Intranet: Plant Fact Sheets and Plant Guides Coordination Page

Updated 08/21/2008

Plant Fact Sheets and Guides are a coordinated effort between the Plant Materials Program and the National Plant Data Center, with input from other cooperating organizations.  For more information on this effort, contact Scott Peterson by email or by phone at 225-775-6280 x10.

What is the difference between Plant Fact Sheets and Plant Guides?

Fact Sheets are one page (front and back) species overviews, include color photos, and are often used to provide general information about a conservation species to a landowner.  Guides contain more detail and typically describe the entire process of establishment, management, and production of a species; they can be several pages long.  Guides may also contain details on seed or plant production for growers.  Go to the Plant Fact Sheets/Plant Guides to see completed Fact Sheets and Guides already on the Web.


Instructions for how to compile Plant Guides and Plant Fact Sheets are available here. All authors should follow these guidelines to ensure that their documents comply with Section 508 Web accessibility standards.

These documents require Acrobat Reader or Word
General Guidelines for Preparing Plant Fact Sheets and Plant Guides (PDF; 233 KB) Aug 2008
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the development of Plant Fact Sheets (PFS) and Plant Guides (PG).  It contains important information that will assist in the development of documents that are accessible and searchable.

Guidance for Developing Plant Guides and Plant Fact Sheets- Review Process and Citing Literature - (PDF; 30 KB) Jul 2007
Guidance for preparing Plant Guides and Plant Fact Sheets as developed by Jim Briggs, Joel Douglas, and Scott Peterson. It is intended to prevent duplication among PMCs and to improve coordination.  The information presented in this document is specific to the review process and citing literature.

Literature Citation Examples (3PDF; 4 KB) Jul 2007
Interim policy for technical documents - (PDF; 20 KB) Mar 2007
This interim policy takes effect immediately.  Distribution of all technical documents will follow this procedure.  This will be placed in the manual for subsequent review.

A Guide to Creating Accessible PDF Documents from word-processing and desktop publishing applications (PDF; 10 MB)

Section 4 of this guide is an excellent resource for creating accessible documents using Microsoft and Adobe Products.

Plant Fact Sheets & Plant Guide Templates

Download the Plant Fact Sheet template or Plant Guide template depending on which type of document you are preparing. Contact the National Plant Materials Center if you are with another agency and we can add your organization’s logo to the template header for your Fact Sheet or Guide.

These documents require Word.

Plant Fact Sheet Template (Word; 108 KB) Aug 2008
Plant Guide Template (Word; 109 KB) Aug 2008

Current Needs

We need contributors—for high priority Plant Guides/Fact Sheets and good quality plant photos/slides. Please contact Scott Peterson at 225-775-6280 x10  for more information.

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