PR-43 09-2006

For Immediate Release

Contact: Shawn Pensoneau ~ (202) 632-7003


National Indian Gaming Commission Announces

Indian Gaming Revenue for 2005



Washington, DC, July 11, 2006 – National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC) Chairman Phil Hogen announced today that 2005 gross gaming revenues for Indian gaming facilities nationwide are $22.63 billion, an increase of $3.3 billion or 16 percent over 2004 gross gaming revenues.

“The public’s confidence in well-regulated, attractive gaming opportunities offered by Tribal governments is reflected in the strong, steady growth which tribal gaming revenues continue to experience,” Chairman Hogen stated.  “Throughout Indian Country needs that would not otherwise be met by Tribal governments are now being funded by Tribal gaming revenues.  Likewise, communities located near the over 400 Tribal gaming operations which generate this revenue, share in this prosperity, that was largely unknown prior to the enactment of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act,” Hogen said 

The $22.63 billion figure is based on audited financial statements and fee worksheets received by the National Indian Gaming Commission for the 2005 fiscal year. These numbers may be slightly adjusted as additional information is received.

Additionally, the NIGC has broken down the $22.63 billion by the agency's six regions. Region II, which consists of California and northern Nevada, saw revenue numbers grow from $721,243,000 in 1995, to $1.2 billion in 2000 and $7.2 billion in 2005. The number of gaming facilities located in Region II in 1995 was 26. In 2000 the region showed 39 operations and in 2005, 57 operations.

Chairman Hogen noted “With continued steady growth in the Indian Gaming industry, additional scrutiny is inevitable. Continuing the current oversight and regulatory makeup is vital for continued success for Indian gaming.”

In addition to regional information, the NIGC has provided a historical comparison between facilities based on gaming revenue. Prior year numbers have been adjusted to reflect audit reports received subsequent to June 30 of the reporting year. Attached are a set of comprehensive charts providing this data and a bar graph illustrating the growth in Indian gaming dating back to 1995.

The NIGC is an independent regulatory agency established within the Department of the Interior pursuant to the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988.







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