Craig M. Brown @ NCNR

11 Feb 2006

Mn-MOF on BT1
16 Feb 2006

Mn-MOF on DCS.
23 Feb 2006

Kepa on DCS.
? Mar 2006

Trouw on DCS.
13 Mar 2006

Faraone on DCS.
15 Mar 2006

IPNS-QENS and APS experiments.
24 Mar 2006

Site visit from DOE Carbon Center to NCNR.
30 Mar 2006

Methanol and water transport in substituted glasses.

Craig Brown

On the Horizon

Currently working on a series of papers, data reduction, analysis and planning some experiments to clarify some issues with boroamine.
Experiments with Yun Liu concerning hydrogen storage in various carbon-based materials.

Finally, a few institute improvements:

  • Finish the pressed bismuth filter for FANS (now waiting on Rodney @ metallurgy
  • Postponed for the moment: Get ICE working on FANS Get new valves for ipe-wedges in and working.
  • Fix the glass sealing station
  • Organize the Hydrogen Lab Prepare for a new Glove Box in the Summer (Procurement underway)

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