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Spurion program for single crystal triple axis spectrometers

Tanya Riseman, NIST center for Neutron Research. Ext 8379. Room A111.



"Spur" is a spurion program for single crystal triple axis spectrometers. Available for Linux (g77 FORTRAN compiler) and SGI operating systems.
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How to run on NCNR computers

To run, on Jazz (SGI OS): type "spur".
To run on the instrument computers bt2, bt7 and bt9 (Linux OS), type "spurion"
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There is a help facility within the program Spurion (command "h"). To view Spurion's help file outside of the program in a choice of formats:

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Quick reference

Jeff Lynn and Matt Woodward have produced a quick reference guide to Spurion.
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Diagrams from the quick reference

Diagrams from the quick reference guide to Spurion.
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Screen shots

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This distribution is ONLY for Linux and SGI Unix. The tar ball has been created using "tar -cvzf" under Linux, which includes gzip compression. It probably will not download and uncompress properly on Windows machines, which expect winzip. The tar ball ship_spur.tar contains several directories:

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How to compile and generate documenation

The tar file includes directories with the following already made for Linux Redhat v7.2. For SGI, follow these directions using "makefile_*_sgi" instead of "makefile_*_g77".

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Last modified 20-July-2007