Field Programs
- ICEALOT International Chemistry Experiment in the Arctic Lower Tropopshere
- TexAQS - GoMACCS 2006 Texas Air Quality Study - Gulf of Mexico Atmospheric Composition and Climate Study
- NEAQS - ITCT 2004 New England Air Quality Study - Intercontinental Transport and Chemical Transformation Experiment 2004
- NEAQS 2002 New England Air Quality Study 2002
- ACE-Asia Aerosol Characterization Experiment - NW Pacific Ocean
- Nauru 99 Western Tropical Pacific ARM Experiment
- Aerosols99 - INDOEX Aerosols99 and Indian Ocean Experiment
- ACE-2 Aerosol Characterization Experiment - NE Atlantic Ocean
- CSP Combined Sensor Program – Tropical Pacific
- ACE-1 Aerosol Characterization Experiment - Southern Ocean
- RITS 93 & 94 Radiatively Important Trace Species - Pacific Ocean
- MAGE 92 Marine Aerosol and Gas Exchange Project - Tropical Pacific
- PSI 1-3 Pacific Sulfur Stratus Investigations 1989-1991