Interagency Public Workshop:
Get Noticed: Effective Financial Privacy Notices
December 4, 2001


If you were unable to attend, you can access information through this site, including
audio and transcripts of the workshop.

NEW! GETTING NOTICED: Writing Effective Financial Privacy Notices

Navy Blue Divider - Full

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB Act) requires that financial institutions issue privacy notices to their customers, and, in certain circumstances, provide them with the opportunity to opt out of disclosures of nonpublic personal information to nonaffiliated third parties. Concerns have been raised about the clarity and effectiveness of some of the privacy notices. At the same time, some financial institutions have sought additional guidance about the form and content of their notices from the federal agencies charged with implementing and enforcing the GLB Act.

To address these critical and timely issues, the eight federal agencies (GLB Agencies) that issued regulations implementing the Act’s privacy provisions will held a joint public workshop, entitled Get Noticed: Effective Financial Privacy Notices, on Tuesday, December 4, 2001. The workshop addressed the challenges of and strategies for providing effective notice under the GLB Act. This interagency effort brought together government officials, financial institutions, industry associations, consumer and privacy advocates, and communications experts to discuss these issues through moderated panel discussions.

The GLB Agencies are:

Navy Blue Divider - Full

Bullet Workshop Transcripts [PDF ONLY - 409K]
Bullet Public Comments
Bullet  Conference Presentations & Supporting Documents [Please note file sizes]
The Challenges of Providing Effective Financial Privacy Notices:
The Consumer and Academic Perspective
Mary Culnan, Bentley College
Consumers & Privacy Notices
[PDF] [PPS] 103K
     The Culnan-Milne Survey on Consumers & Online Privacy Notices:
     Summary of Responses
     Mary J. Culnan & George R. Milne
E. Joyce Gould, Citizen Action of New York
Your Privacy is Important to Us?
[PDF] [PPS] 64K
     Consumers' Privacy Concerns, Citizen Action of New York [PDF]  
     Your Privacy is Important to Us? A USAction Report, Citizen Action of
     New York
David Krane, Harris Interactive/Privacy Leadership Initiative
Privacy Leadership Initiative
[PDF] [PPS] 397K
     Consumer Privacy Attitudes and Behaviors Survey Wave III, Harris Interactive [PDF]  
     Privacy Notices Research: Final Results, Harris Interactive [PDF]  
The View from Communications Experts    
William Lutz, Rutgers University
A Brief Bibliography on Plain Language
[PDF] [PPS] 56K
Deborah S. Bosley, Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Charlotte
A Five-Step Program: Designing Privacy Notices for Greater Readability
[PDF] [PPS] 98K
Irene A. Etzkorn, Siegelgale, Inc.
Effective Privacy Notices: The View from Communications Experts
[PDF] [PPS] 4.5mB
Josiah Fisk & Lynn Riddle, Firehouse Financial Communications LLC
What's Regulation Got to Do With It?: Simplying Your Communications As a Business Strategy
[PDF] [PPS] 2.2mB
     Redesign Highlights, Firehouse Financial Communications LLC [PDF]  
Mark Hochhauser, Ph.D., Readability Consultant
A Psychologist Looks at GLB: Four Steps to Better Privacy Notices
[PDF] [PPS] 189K
Alan Levy, Ph.D., Food and Drug Administration
Lessons From Nutrition Labeling: Content, Format & Evaluation
[PDF] [PPS] 70K
Industry Initiatives and Consumer Education Efforts    
Martin E. Abrams, Hunton & Williams
The Notices Project: Common Short Informing Notices
[PDF] [PPS] 59K
John C. Dugan, Partner, Covington & Burling [PDF] [PPS] 39K
Patricia Faley, The Direct Marketing Association, Inc.
Making Your GLB Privacy Notice "Readable"
[PDF] [PPS] 104K
     Privacy Policy Generator, The Direct Marketing Association [PDF]  
Tena Friery, Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
2001: The GLB Odyssey...We're Not There Yet
[PDF] [PPS] 70K
     2001: The GLB Odyssey: We're Not There Yet, Privacy Rights Clearinghouse [PDF]  
Susan E. Henrichsen, Office of the California Attorney General
What Privacy Notice?
[PDF] [PPS] 244K
     Public Service Announcement Video, Idaho Attorney General's Office   [AVI]
David Klaus, Privacy Leadership Initiative
Industry Initiatives on Consumer Education
[PDF] [PPS] 51K
Fran Maier, TRUSTe
Privacy Symbols and Labels Initiative
[PDF] [PPS] 815K
Bullet Additional Supporting Documents
Online Banking Privacy, Center for Democracy and Technology [PDF]
The P3P Compliance Program, Privacy Council [PDF]
Bullet Federal GLB Resources
Bullet Panelist Biographies  [PDF]
Bullet News Releases

Agenda Announced for December 4 Workshop on Effective Financial Privacy Notices (11/30/01)

Workshop Planned To Discuss Strategies for Providing Effective Financial Privacy Notices (9/24/01)

Bullet Federal Register Notice [PDF ONLY, 22KB]
Bullet Workshop Agenda  [TEXT]  [PDF]