Description The MNIS program was established to alleviate the challenges of sharing vital information with Coalition partners in today's fast-paced dynamic warfighting environment. MNIS provides the standard community of interest (COI) services and applications for the future global information grid (GIG) enterprise information environment (EIE) to facilitate collaboration among DoD components and foreign nations in support of planning and executing military operations, as well as humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations.

The current operational MNIS systems are comprised of Combined Enterprise Regional Information Exchange System (CENTRIXS), Griffin, and the Combined Federated Battle Lab Network (CFBLNet). An objective MNIS capability is the future concept as laid out in Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 8110.1, Multinational Information Sharing Networks Implementation. This DoDI articulates the vision to one day form a single, common, global, multinational information sharing area interconnected (as needed) with the GIG.

Capabilities and Services

CENTRIXS supports intelligence and classified operations information exchange and sharing at the Secret Releasable level. There are multiple, cryptographically-isolated CENTRIXS enclaves serving various communities of interest. CENTRIXS is federated among global and command enterprise environments, with the global environment managed by DISA to serve and interconnect command enterprise element.

Griffin provides information sharing between participating nations' national Secret‑level command and control (C2) systems for planning, implementing and executing multinational operations. Services are provided by DISA at regionally located facilities. Current services include e-mail with attachments, sharing (bi‑directional) common operational picture, national reachback for liaison officers, and directory service.

CFBLNet provides a year-round network for research and development, trials and assessments up to a combined secret releasable accreditation level. It supports development of coalition interoperability, doctrine, procedures, and protocols that can be transitioned to operational coalition networks in future contingencies. CFBLNet is being configured to play a critical role in supporting performance benchmarking of CENTRIXS centralized and Griffin operational capabilities and their ultimate convergence.


Program Decision Memorandum 3 (December 2006) terminated the navy's executive agent responsibility and transferred funding and responsibility for sustaining CENTRIXS and developing multinational information sharing objective capabilities to DISA. In June 2007, DISA developed the MNIS Implementation Plan that outlines the near-term efforts and issues surrounding current operational requirements and details planned actions to consolidate and standardize current operational services in accordance with strategic planning guidance through a centralized services approach. In November 2007, DISA developed the Interim MNIS Transition Plan describing mid-term efforts to spiral MNIS capabilities beyond the current operational baseline towards objective MNIS capabilities. Assistant Secretary of Defense Networks and Information Integration (ASD NII) and United States Joint Forces Command JFCOM currently lead the evaluation of alternatives in support of a milestone A decision for objective MNIS via analysis of alternatives (AoA) guidance published by DASD(PA&E) in August 2007. DISA will finalize the MNIS Transition Plan within 90 days of the completion of the AoA.