National Credit Union Administration

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Gary J. Kohn

Gary J. Kohn

Gary J. Kohn has been serving as Senior Policy Advisor to NCUA Board Member Christiane Gigi Hyland since January 2006.  Among other duties, Kohn formulates recommendations on policy and administrative matters, matters before the Board, and matters relating to Board Member Hyland’s responsibilities.

Prior to his service at NCUA, Kohn was Vice President, Legislative Affairs and Senior Legislative Counsel for the Credit Union National Association (CUNA). Since June 1993, where he assumed the full range of lobbying duties, representing the interests of the credit union movement before both houses of Congress. Kohn coordinated and supervised the activities of CUNA’s legislative team.

A graduate of Georgetown University Law Center and a member of the District of Columbia bar, he was previously employed in a similar capacities by the Independent Bankers Association of America (IBAA) and the Investment Company Institute (ICI), the national trade association for the nation’s mutual fund industry. Prior to working at the Library of Congress as a research librarian, Kohn was a research assistant for former Representative Donald J. Mitchell, and the Administrative Assistant for Maryland State Senator Steny H. Hoyer, now a Member of the House of Representatives. Kohn was a contributing author to Compliance with Lobbying Laws and Gift Rules Guide (Glasser: LegalWorks, 1996), writing a section on trade association compliance, using CUNA as a model. He also is author of The Jewish Experience in America:  A Guide to Manuscript Sources in the Library of Congress (American Jewish Archives, 1986).  A resident of Greenbelt, Maryland, he has been active in civic, political and religious organizations.

E-Mail - GKohn@NCUA.Gov