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Andrea  Batts
AmeriCorps*State and National - Goodwill of Monocacy Valley, MD

Before joining AmeriCorps, I was working for a corporation making pretty good money. But I wasn't happy; I didn't feel that my work was serving the correct purpose. I eventually put in my two-week notice and started volunteering for Head Start. Then a friend of mine saw an ad for AmeriCorps in the newspaper. We looked into it and joined together.

Right now, as part of Goodwill of Monocacy Valley, Maryland, I have several projects I am working on. I build computers for Interfaith Housing, serve as a Community Representative for Head Start, and help the PAL center and the Boys and Girls Club.

The experience has been wonderful. I joined because I wanted to do something that was fulfilling for me. I was tired of working jobs just for money. I wanted to be happy.

I love the people I am working with. They have practically become additional family members. I have experienced a lot of different things that I never would have without serving in AmeriCorps. I have a greater appreciation for life because of it.

After my term ends, I plan to continue college and get my BA degree. Eventually, I want to start a non profit organization of some type so I can further help my community.

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