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Isilier Rivera
Iselier Rivera’s hard work and dedication have earned him the respect of his peers at Denver’s AmeriCorps*NCCC campus, where they voted him “Corps Member of the Month.". Team leader Erin Exley attributed the honor to the “personal growth” that Rivera has experienced as an AmeriCorps*NCCC member. Unsure of English initially, Rivera, who hails from Caguas, Puerto Rico, has not only improved his language skills, but he is also helping his teammates learn Spanish. While his team was serving at a YMCA camp, he arranged a session on Puerto Rico for the campers. The children, most of whom have never ventured far from their hometowns, were delighted to learn about his Puerto Rican heritage. And he takes seriously his role as team safety manager, sporting a button that proclaims “Safety is a Team Effort” while making sure that everyone follows safety procedures and uses equipment properly while on assignment. Rivera, 19, joined AmeriCorps*NCCC with the encouragement of a cousin who had served earlier. Now he’s spreading the word about the program on his own. After AmeriCorps*NCCC, he plans to return to Puerto Rico to attend the Universidad del Turabo, with plans to become a music producer.

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