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In school

Photo of teens in a classroomSchool should be a place where we feel safe from harm. Many students attend schools that are very safe and comfortable places to learn. There still may be a time when you feel unsafe because other students use violence, or bullying to harm you. Sexual harassment can also make you feel unsafe. Someone is sexually harassing you if he or she says or does anything sexual to make you feel uncomfortable. Some ways this can happen include:

  • making sexual comments or jokes
  • touching you in a sexual way
  • blocking your way or cornering you in a sexual way
  • forcing you to kiss him or her or do other things that make you uncomfortable

While it is very rare for an adult at school to harass or threaten students in a sexual way, you should let a parent or guardian know right away if an adult at school makes you feel uncomfortable. You have the right to feel safe and to be respected by your classmates and adults at school. If you ever feel afraid or threatened, tell a teacher, school counselor, parent/guardian, or other adult you can trust.


Have you ever felt unsafe at school? Have you ever been afraid to go to school? If someone has threatened you, tell a parent/guardian or teacher immediately.

Content last updated June 23, 2008

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
