Annual Review of Aircraft Accident Data
U.S. General Aviation, Calendar Year 1997

NTSB Number ARG-00/01
NTIS Number PB2000-108038
PDF Document(186K) 

Abstract: A total of 1,870 U.S. registered general aviation aircraft were involved in 1,848 accidents during calendar year 1997. Of these 1,848 accidents, 351 accidents (involving 361 aircraft) resulted in fatal injuries. This report presents a statistical review of these accidents, all involving U.S. registered aircraft that were not conducting air carrier revenue operations under Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Parts 121 or 135.

The accident data on which this review is based were extracted from the Safety Board's automated Aviation Accident Data System. The Federal Aviation Administration's Statistics and Forecast Branch, Planning Analysis Division, Office of Aviation Policy and Plans publishes the "General Aviation and Air Taxi Survey," which is the source of flight hours used in this report. To conduct its annual survey, the FAA mails questionnaires to owners of a statistically selected sample of aircraft. An analysis of returned questionnaires enables the FAA to estimate hours of aircraft usage by purpose and type aircraft.

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