Project/Cruise: ACE-2

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Aerosol Chemistry Distributions
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  • DEPARTED: Lisbon, Portugal on 18 June 1997
  • ARRIVED: Lisbon, Portugal on 24 July 1997

Note: Additional information is available using the Info Icon Info Icon wherever it occurs. Some browsers may lack MouseOver functionality, but a click on the Info Icon directs helpful comments to a secondary window. The RESET button restores all form entries to their defaults; any of the PLOT buttons will generate the plot; the browser's BACK function will return to the previous page without plotting.
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... Optionally restrict Time and/or Space Range ...
Format Times as in 19-may-1998:12:00 Latitudes and Longitudes with the hemisphere designators N,S,E,W. Values are initialized to the full space (lower-left to upper-right) and time range. The RESET button restores these defaults.
Time Latitude Longitude

... then Select an X and a Y-axis Variable
The sampling times of different variables may be different. If this is the case then the Y-axis variable will be linearly interpolated onto the time axis associated with the X-axis variable. When the variables have been selected, click on any of the plot icons on the right to produce the plot. The variable name in the center column will appear as axis labels and may be modified by the user.
X-Axis Variable Y-Axis
Ship Latitude
Ship Ship Longitude
Ship Speed over Ground from GPS
Ship Course over Ground from GPS
PMEL RM Young and Qualimetrics sensors
PMEL RM Young Sensor
Barometric Pressure from Qualimetrics 7105-A
Insolation from Epply Radiometers
Wind Speed relative to Ship from Qualimetrics Skyvane 2100
Wind Dirn relative to Bow (-90/0/+90 for port/ahead/starboard)
True Wind Speed using PMEL wind vane, Mag Compass and GPS
Wind Direction using PMEL wind vane, Mag Compass and GPS
Eastward Wind using PMEL wind vane, Mag Compass and GPS
Northward Wind using PMEL wind vane, Mag Compass and GPS
Ozone from Dasibi 1008 AH and TECO 49
Atmospheric Radon
Condensation Nuclei Dp > 12 microns
Ultrafine Condensation Nuclei Dp > 3 microns
Aerosol light Absorbance
Aerosol Scattering Blue
Aerosol Scattering Green
Aerosol Scattering Red
Aerosol Back Scattering Blue
Aerosol Back Scattering Green
Aerosol Back Scattering Red
Submicron Aerosol Scattering Blue
Submicron Aerosol Scattering Green
Submicron Aerosol Scattering Red
Submicron Aerosol Back Scattering Blue
Submicron Aerosol Back Scattering Green
Submicron Aerosol Back Scattering Red
DMS in Seawater from PMEL DMS System
DMS in Air from PMEL DMS System
Sea Surface Temperature from Thermosalinograph
Sea Surface Salinity from Thermosalinograph
Discreet Chlorophyll
Submicron Aerosol Sodium from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Sodium from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Ammonium from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Ammonium from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Potassium from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Potassium from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Magnesium from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Magnesium from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Calcium from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Calcium from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Methane Sulfonic Acid from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Methane Sulfonic Acid from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Chloride from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Chloride from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Bromide from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Bromide from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Nitrate from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Nitrate from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Sulfate from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Sulfate from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol non-seasalt Sulfate from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol non-seasalt Sulfate from 2-Stage Impactor
Click here to reset to default values.

U.S.Dept of Commerce / NOAA / OAR / PMEL / Atmospheric Chemistry