Project/Cruise: ACE-2

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  • DEPARTED: Lisbon, Portugal on 18 June 1997
  • ARRIVED: Lisbon, Portugal on 24 July 1997

The allocation of the variables is shown in the table below. To download the data click on either the ASCII or netCDF link at the head of a column. The ASCII link brings the data to the screen in the ACF format where it can be viewed and saved if desired using "Save As". The netCDF file format is binary and while not directly viewable may be downloaded.

Some data files from recent cruises may be password protected. To obtain a password, please contact Jim Johnson or Timothy Bates.

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ACE2_atm ACE2_nph ACE2_dms ACE2_sw ACE2_chloro ACE2_aero_cat ACE2_aero_an
Ship Latitude Latitude Aerosol light Absorbance AAbsorb (Mm-1) DMS in Seawater from PMEL DMS System DMSsw (nM) Sea Surface Temperature from Thermosalinograph SST (C) Discreet Chlorophyll Chloro (ug L-1) Submicron Aerosol Sodium from 2-Stage Impactor SubNa(ug/m3) Submicron Aerosol Methane Sulfonic Acid from 2-Stage Impactor SubMSA(ug/m3)
Ship Ship Longitude Longitude Aerosol Scattering Blue ScatBlue (Mm-1) DMS in Air from PMEL DMS System DMSair (ppt) Sea Surface Salinity from Thermosalinograph SAL (psu) Supermicron Aerosol Sodium from 2-Stage Impactor SupNa(ug/m3) Supermicron Aerosol Methane Sulfonic Acid from 2-Stage Impactor SupMSA(ug/m3)
Ship Speed over Ground from GPS GPS-Speed (kt) Aerosol Scattering Green ScatGreen (Mm-1) Submicron Aerosol Ammonium from 2-Stage Impactor SubNH4(ug/m3) Submicron Aerosol Chloride from 2-Stage Impactor SubCl(ug/m3)
Ship Course over Ground from GPS GPS-Course Aerosol Scattering Red ScatRed (Mm-1) Supermicron Aerosol Ammonium from 2-Stage Impactor SupNH4(ug/m3) Supermicron Aerosol Chloride from 2-Stage Impactor SupCl(ug/m3)
PMEL RM Young and Qualimetrics sensors AirTemp (C) Aerosol Back Scattering Blue BkSctBlue (Mm-1) Submicron Aerosol Potassium from 2-Stage Impactor SubK(ug/m3) Submicron Aerosol Bromide from 2-Stage Impactor SubBr(ug/m3)
PMEL RM Young Sensor RH (%) Aerosol Back Scattering Green BkSctGrn (Mm-1) Supermicron Aerosol Potassium from 2-Stage Impactor SupK(ug/m3) Supermicron Aerosol Bromide from 2-Stage Impactor SupBr(ug/m3)
Barometric Pressure from Qualimetrics 7105-A BaroP (mbar) Aerosol Back Scattering Red BkSctRed (Mm-1) Submicron Aerosol Magnesium from 2-Stage Impactor SubMg(ug/m3) Submicron Aerosol Nitrate from 2-Stage Impactor SubNO3(ug/m3)
Insolation from Epply Radiometers Insolation(Wm-2) Submicron Aerosol Scattering Blue SubmSctB (Mm-1) Supermicron Aerosol Magnesium from 2-Stage Impactor SupMg(ug/m3) Supermicron Aerosol Nitrate from 2-Stage Impactor SupNO3(ug/m3)
Wind Speed relative to Ship from Qualimetrics Skyvane 2100 RelWindS (m/s) Submicron Aerosol Scattering Green SubmSctG (Mm-1) Submicron Aerosol Calcium from 2-Stage Impactor SubCa(ug/m3) Submicron Aerosol Sulfate from 2-Stage Impactor SubSO4(ug/m3)
Wind Dirn relative to Bow (-90/0/+90 for port/ahead/starboard) RelWindD Submicron Aerosol Scattering Red SubmSctR (Mm-1) Supermicron Aerosol Calcium from 2-Stage Impactor SupCa(ug/m3) Supermicron Aerosol Sulfate from 2-Stage Impactor SupSO4(ug/m3)
True Wind Speed using PMEL wind vane, Mag Compass and GPS WindS (m/s) Submicron Aerosol Back Scattering Blue SubBkSctB(Mm-1) Submicron Aerosol non-seasalt Sulfate from 2-Stage Impactor SubnnsSO4(ug/m3)
Wind Direction using PMEL wind vane, Mag Compass and GPS WindD Submicron Aerosol Back Scattering Green SubBkScatG(Mm-1) Supermicron Aerosol non-seasalt Sulfate from 2-Stage Impactor SupnnsSO4(ug/m3)
Eastward Wind using PMEL wind vane, Mag Compass and GPS WindU (m/s) Submicron Aerosol Back Scattering Red SubBkScatR(Mm-1)
Northward Wind using PMEL wind vane, Mag Compass and GPS WindV (m/s)
Ozone from Dasibi 1008 AH and TECO 49 Ozone (ppb)
Atmospheric Radon Radon (mBq m-3)
Condensation Nuclei Dp > 12 microns CN (cm-3)
Ultrafine Condensation Nuclei Dp > 3 microns UFCN (cm-3)

U.S.Dept of Commerce / NOAA / OAR / PMEL / Atmospheric Chemistry