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Spallation Neutrons and Pressure (SNAP)

SNAP schematic
SNAP schematic (click image for larger version).

The SNAP Diffractometer allows studies of a variety of powdered and single-crystal samples under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature. The increased neutron flux, coupled with large-volume pressuring cells using large synthetic single-crystal opposed anvils, allows significant advances in the pressure range accessible to neutron diffraction. The pressure goal is 50 to 100 GPa on an ~1-mm3 sample on a routine basis. In addition, recent advances in next-generation detectors will allow the incident beam-focusing optics, pressure chamber, and detector array to be highly integrated, thus providing a highly flexible facility for materials studies under extreme conditions.


SNAP offers new opportunities for scientific studies involving

  • Hydrogen under extreme conditions
  • Elastic anisotropy of ε-iron at Earth core conditions
  • Real-time in situ monitoring of “real rocks” as an analogue to the down-going slab in the subduction context
  • Planetary ices—structure and strength of ices under pressure
  • Silicate melts—glasses at high pressure and temperature and the dynamical changes occurring during heating and pressurization
  • Strength and rheology of materials and the relationship to brittle and ductile failure, including stress release as a function of time
  • Structural changes accompanying transitions in Fullerenes and their derivatives
  • Hydrogen bonding in organic and inorganic systems as a function of pressure and temperature, including liquids




Wavelength Range (bandwidth)


Source to Sample Distance

Sample to detector distance

Angular coverage

Frame 1

Frame 2

Pressure range

Focused beam size

 Decoupled poisoned supercritical hydrogen

15 m

50 cm

38-142º \ 98-150º horizontal ±34º vertical

0.5 – 3.65 Å

3.7 – 6.5 Å

From ambient pressure to >50 GPa (500 kbar)

From 1 cm to <100 µm


For more information, contact:

Instrument Scientist: Chris Tulk, tulkca@ornl.gov, 865.576.7028
Scientific Associate: Jamie Molaison, molaisonjj@ornl.gov, 865.621.8286
Engineer: Steve Chae
Designer: Mark Philips

The SNAP instrument data sheet contains a user summary. More information can be found in the documentation for the SING (SNS Instruments—Next Generation) instruments:

SING article for The Neutron Pulse
SING presentation
Conceptual design document for the SING Project


  Information Contact: Jamie Molaison - molaisonjj@sns.gov  

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office of Science