
Security Assistance: Update of Programs and Related Activities
NSIAD-89-78FS  December 28, 1988

In response to a congressional request, GAO provided information on the annual costs of U.S. military and security assistance programs during fiscal years (FY) 1985 through 1988.

GAO found that: (1) a global recession in the early 1980s added to developing countries' debt repayment problems; (2) in FY 1985, a major change in the types of military aid shifted the bulk of the aid to below-market-rate loans, increased the use of forgiven direct loans, and discontinued the use of guaranteed loans; (3) since FY 1985, the United States has forgiven all foreign military sales loans to Israel and Egypt and partially forgiven loans to Pakistan and Turkey; (4) in FY 1988, the United States eliminated the Guaranty Reserve Fund's cash balance to pay $401 million toward interest and principal on $2.6 billion in rescheduled foreign loans; (5) the United States made almost $4.6 billion in payments on scheduled guaranteed loans due to nonpayment; (6) as of September 1988, 29 countries had overdue loans totalling $768 million; (7) the cumulative unreimbursed drawdowns of Department of Defense personnel and equipment to foreign governments or international organizations totalled about $175 million; and (8) the United States waived about $2.7 billion in charges and fees for nonrecurring research and development costs between FY 1977 and FY 1988.

Subject Terms

Foreign loans
Foreign military assistance
Foreign military sales
Foreign military sales costs
International relations
Loan defaults
Loan interest rates
Military materiel
Military training
Research and development costs
Dept. of State Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program
Economic Support Fund
Foreign Military Sales Program
Guaranty Reserve Fund
International Military Education and Training Program
Military Assistance Program
Peacekeeping Operations Program
Special Defense Acquisition Fund