
Department of State: Status of Achieving Key Outcomes and Addressing Major Management Challenges
GAO-02-42  December 7, 2001

GAO reviewed the Department of State's fiscal year 2000 performance report and its fiscal year 2002 performance plan. Weaknesses in State's fiscal year 2000 performance report made it difficult to determine the department's progress toward achieving such key outcomes as eliminating the threat from weapons of mass destruction and expanding foreign markets for U.S. products and services. These weaknesses are rooted in performance goals and indicators established in State's performance plan for 2000, which GAO criticized in an earlier report. State has taken a major step toward implementing Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 requirements by producing a fiscal year 2002 plan that is superior to earlier efforts. State will need to focus on reporting on all indicators in the plan and, if targets are not achieved, clearly explain why and what actions it plans to achieve the targets in the future.

Subject Terms

Agency missions
Foreign trade policies
International agreements
International relations
International travel
Law enforcement
Performance measures
Reporting requirements
Strategic planning
Weapons systems
Weapons of mass destruction
Antiballistic Missile Treaty
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
Theater Missile Defense Treaty