
Bioterrorism: Federal Research and Preparedness Activities
GAO-01-915  September 28, 2001

Federal research and preparedness activities related to bioterrorism center on detection; the development of vaccines, antibiotics, and antivirals; and the development of performance standards for emergency response equipment. Preparedness activities include (1) increasing federal, state, and local response capabilities; (2) developing response teams; (3) increasing the availability of medical treatments; (4) participating in and sponsoring exercises; (5) aiding victims; and (6) providing support at special events, such as presidential inaugurations and Olympic games. To coordinate their activities to combat terrorism, federal departments and agencies are developing interagency response plans, participating in various interagency work groups, and entering into formal agreements with other agencies to share resources and capabilities. However, coordination of federal terrorism research, preparedness, and response programs is fragmented, raising concerns about the ability of states and localities to respond to a bioterrorist attack. These concerns include insufficient state and local planning and a lack of hospital participation in training on terrorism and emergency response planning.

Subject Terms

Biological warfare
Emergency preparedness
Emergency response
Federal funds
Funds management
Homeland security
Interagency relations
Metropolitan medical response system
Strategic national stockpile
Emergency medical response plans
Emergency medical response teams
FEMA Federal Response Plan
United States Interagency Domestic Terrorism Concept of Operations Plan
National Disaster Medical System