National Income and Product Accounts Table

Table 5.9. Changes in Net Stock of Produced Assets (Fixed Assets and Inventories)
[Millions of dollars]

Cautionary note on the use of data in millions of dollars -- The tables provided include estimates in millions of dollars for NIPA series that appear regularly in the national income and product account (NIPA) tables published in the Survey of Current Business. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) generally does not include estimates at this level of precision in the published tables because the associated sampling and nonsampling errors are larger than this implied level of precision. Compared with the published aggregates, the million-dollar estimates are generally not any more accurate.
Today is: 9/17/2008   Last Revised on August 28, 2008  
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Line      2006       2007   
  Opening balance
1Produced assets40,019,25843,126,829
2   Fixed assets38,167,74941,175,249
3      Private30,223,66632,429,254
4      Government7,944,0838,745,994
5   Private inventories 1 1,851,5091,951,580
  Accumulation of produced assets
6Gross fixed investment2,597,7052,596,839
7   Private 2 2,171,0532,133,993
8      Nonresidential1,414,0861,503,794
9         Structures410,428480,260
10         Equipment and software1,003,6581,023,534
11      Residential756,967630,199
12   Government 3 426,652462,846
13      Structures266,458299,356
14      Equipment and software160,194163,489
15Less: Stock reconciliation adjustments12,30311,336
16   Private 4 11,79510,458
17   Government 5 508878
18Less: Consumption of fixed capital,
    except disaster losses
19   Private1,355,9811,431,107
20      Nonresidential1,093,9941,158,214
21         Structures279,447296,739
22         Equipment and software814,547861,475
23      Residential261,986272,895
24   Government267,953289,352
25      Structures136,163150,179
26      Equipment and software131,789139,173
27Change in private inventories 7 49,344-3,642
  Other changes in volume of assets
28Less: Other changes in volume of assets1631
29   Private fixed assets 8 00
30   Government fixed assets 9 1631
31      General government1631
32      Government enterprises00
33Nominal holding gains or losses (-)2,096,774691,832
34   Neutral holding gains or losses (-) 10 1,073,5461,451,536
35      Fixed assets1,023,5371,387,556
36         Private816,7701,097,234
37         Government206,767290,322
38      Private inventories 1 50,00963,980
39   Real holding gains or losses (-)1,023,228-759,704
40      Fixed assets1,022,510-835,803
41         Private585,540-837,761
42         Government436,9701,958
43      Private inventories 1 71876,099
  Closing balance
44Produced assets 11 43,126,82944,680,030
45   Fixed assets41,175,24942,592,013
46      Private32,429,25433,381,154
47      Government8,745,9949,210,859
48   Private inventories 1 1,951,5802,088,017
49   Intersectoral auto valuation
       adjustment 12
50   Brokers' commissions on sale of
       nonresidential used structures and dealers'
       margins on used equipment
51   Electric plants put in place less
       electric plants put in use 13
52      Private-4,244-5,516
53      Government508878
54   Abandoned electric plants 14 00

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