Healthy People 2000 Consortium Meeting
November 7, 1997

Summary of Breakout Group Discussion Concerning
Priority Area 12: Food and Drug Safety

The facilitator welcomed workgroup participants and explained the purposes of the afternoon session. First to be addressed were the Healthy People 2000 objectives for food safety and it was noted that supporting data in this area are often scanty, when not lacking altogether. Participants made further observations and suggestions, as follows: Turning to the objectives for drug safety, several participants addressed shortcomings of objective 12.5 (linking dispensary systems to provide alerts to potential drug reactions) as it is written. They noted that the concept works better in theory than in actuality (NCPA); that third-party reimbursers employ it more to avoid billing discrepancies than for its essential purpose (NCPIE) (FDA) (NCPA); and that expanding drug conglomerates have not assured that their component parts can communicate sufficiently well with one another (ASHP). Other observations and suggestions regarding objectives in this portion of Chapter 12 were as follows:

Participants concluded their deliberations in the workgroup session by discussing 2010 development and proposing new or replacement objectives for food and drug safety. Their observations and suggestions included the following: Because of the composition of the workgroup, drug safety received relatively more attention in this session than did food safety. The recorder offered participants the chance to submit additional or expanded comments later by electronic mail and some of them availed themselves of the opportunity.


Peter Rheinstein, Facilitator, Food and Drug Administration
Ellis Davis, Recorder, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
April Bell, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Robert Earl, International Food Information Council
Douglas Hoey, National Community Pharmacists Association
Leslie Dotson Jaggers, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Lee Rucker, National Council on Patient Information and Education

Breakout Session List