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RSDO Vendor Contact List

Company Contact Phone E-Mail
Astrium  Zaglauer, Albert  49 7545 8 4018
Ball Aerospace  McMann, Dan  (303) 939-4376
General Dynamics AIS  Conte, Dom  (703) 277-1759
MicroSat Systems  Mosher, Todd  (303) 285-5110
Orbital Sciences  Belte, Ed  (703) 948-8731
Space Systems Loral  Tadros, Alfred  (650) 852-4791
SSTL  da Silva-Curiel, Alex  44 (0)1483 879278
ThalesAlenia Space  Durand, Yves  00-33-4-92-92-30-39

RSDO Staff Contact list

Any comments or questions concerning this Web Site can be mailed to the Rapid Spacecraft Development Office, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 401.1, Greenbelt, Maryland, 20771 (or) emailed to the RSDO

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