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NASA Trivia

photo of golf ball
Which astronaut hit a golf ball on the moon?
Alan Shepard, during the Apollo 14 mission. He fitted an 6 iron head to the handle of a lunar sample collection device and launched three golf balls. They are still on the moon!

You can follow the sequence of events at the Apollo 14 Lunar Surface Journal starting at 135:08:17. There are links for audio and video of the event too!

Learning Activity

photo of child and adult in conversation
Develop a plan for talking to your children.

If you do not have a plan in place to talk to your children you should develop one using the guiding principles listed below.

If you do have a plan in place for talking to your children you might want to compare it to the list of suggested principles below and see if you need to modify your plan in any way.

When talking to your children use the following guiding principles:

  • Acknowledge the many social challenges and peer pressures. This is key to developing your credibility.
  • Recognize that your child will most certainly know someone who uses drugs, smokes or drinks and they may have the opportunity to participate.
  • Understand that peer pressure may play a pivotal role in a child’s decision to engage in using drugs or drinking. Encourage your child to be their own person and make their own decisions.
  • Keep talking and asking because communication is key. Start early and take time to explain things in easily understandable terms. The ultimate goal is to make your child feel comfortable about talking to you about difficult topics.
  • Listen carefully to your child. As children get older, their questions get more difficult, so you need to be prepared.
  • Tell your child the truth.
  • Impress on your child the long-term consequences of their decisions and how it may impact what they enjoy doing. If they are not interested in school or sports, try to find something they can relate to where learning or skilled movements are involved.
  • Spend time with your children. Read to them. Eat dinner with them. You are simply going to know each other better.

For more information visit:

Family Day — A Day to Eat Dinner With Your Children

For tips on packing healthy lunches see:

Alliance for a Healthier Generation