Electron and Optical Physics Division

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The Electron and Optical Physics Division provides the central national basis for the measurement of far ultraviolet and soft x-ray radiation; conducts theoretical and experimental research with electron, laser, ultraviolet, and soft x-ray radiation for measurement applications in fields such as atomic and molecular science, multi-photon processes, radiation chemistry, space and atmospheric science, microelectronics, electron spectroscopy, electron microscopy, surface magnetism, and solid state and materials science; determines the fundamental mechanisms by which electrons and photons transfer energy to gaseous and condensed matter; develops advanced electron- and photon-based techniques for the measurement of atomic and molecular properties of matter, for the determination of atomic and magnetic microstructure, and for the measurement and utilization of ultraviolet, soft x-ray, and electron radiation; develops and disseminates ultraviolet, soft x-ray, and electron standards, measurement services, and data for industry, universities, and government; and develops and operates well-characterized sources of electrons and photons including the NIST synchrotron ultraviolet radiation facility (SURF III), two scanning tunneling microscopes, and two scanning electron microscopes with unique magnetic imaging capabilities.

Charles W. Clark

Photon Physics Group Photon Physics Far UV Physics Group Far UV Physics

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Online: February 2001   -   Last update: August 2007