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The Salvador E. Luria Papers

Further Readings

[Salvador Luria]. [Early 1970s].
Web Resources

Nobel Web AB. The Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine 1969. The Nobel Foundation.

Manuscript Collections

American Philosophical Society Library. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Museum. Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Library and Archives. Cold Spring Harbor, New York.


Luria, Salvador E. "Ethical and Institutional Aspects of Recombinant DNA Technology." Chapter 6 in Recombinant DNA Research and the Human Prospect. Edited by Earl D. Hanson. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1983.

Luria, Salvador E. "The Reproduction of Viruses: A Comparative Survey." Chapter XI in The Viruses: Biochemical, Biological, and Biophysical Properties. Volume 1. General Virology. Edited by F. M. Burnet and Wendell M. Stanley. New York: Academic Press, 1959.



Wollman, Elie, F. Holweck, and Salvador E. Luria. "Effect of Radiations on Bacteriophage C-16." Nature 145, no. 3685 (15 June 1940): 935-936.

Luria, Salvador E. "Recent Advances in Bacterial Genetics." Bacteriological Reviews 11, no. 1 (March 1947): 1-40.

Oakberg, Eugene F., and Salvador E. Luria. "Mutations to Sulfonamide Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus." Genetics 32 (May 1947): 249-261.


Uchida, Takahiro, Philip W. Robbins, and Salvador Luria. "Analysis of the Serologic Determinant Groups of the Salmonella E-Group O-Antigens." Biochemistry 2, no. 4 (July-August 1963): 663-668.

Luria, Salvador E. "What the Cell Knows and What It Can Learn." Technology Review 69, no. 2 (December 1966): 13-15.


Luria, Salvador E. "Phage, Colicins, and Macroregulatory Phenomena." Science 168, no. 3936 (5 June 1970): 1166-1170.

Luria, Salvador E. "On Viewing American Indian Art Exhibit." Boston Globe, 28 February 1972.

Luria, Salvador E. "What Can Biologists Solve?" The New York Review of Books, 7 February 1974: 27-28.

Luria, Salvador E. "Colicins and the Energetics of Cell Membranes." Scientific American 233, no. 6 (December 1975): 30-37.

Luria, Salvador E. "Reflections on Democracy, Science, and Cancer." Bulletin -- American Academy of Arts and Sciences XXX, no. 5 (February 1977): 20-32.

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