United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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NRCS and Conservation Partners Win Coastal America Spirit Award for Wetland and Shoreline Restoration Work Along the Chesapeake Bay

On May 5, 2006, NRCS and the Southern Maryland Resource Conservation and Development Council were honored at a Coastal America Award Ceremony by the presentation of the Spirit Award to NRCS and other members of the Southern Maryland Coastal and Aquatic Resource Team.

When erosion along the shorelines of Patuxent Naval Air Station on the Patuxent River became a concern, the Navy formed a cooperative agreement among the southern Maryland Resource Conservation and Development Council, and the St. Mary’s County Soil Conservation District, with the purpose of developing a living shoreline engineered project to restore the wetland habitat.

Over 2500 feet of shoreline repair and stabilization were completed in 2005 through the use of sills, breakwaters, groins, and revetments. The site was further enhanced with the planting of 33,000 plants by volunteers to restore 1.5 acres of valuable tidal wetland habitat.

The Coastal America “SPIRIT AWARD” is presented in recognition of local projects that use the benefits of partnerships to leverage Federal, state and local resources to “get the job done.” The purpose of the award is to recognize the “hands on work” already done and to encourage the continuation of the project or similar projects. The award emphasizes the “spirit of partnership.”

“Conservation is vital to all who share the resources of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Building partnerships and working together to conserve natural resources is in everyone’s best interest. We know that economic prosperity and environmental protection can go hand-in-hand.” said Virginia (Ginger) L. Murphy, NRCS State Conservationist.

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