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Mission Areas

BROOM Scanner The Sentinel, the commercial version of Sandia's explosives detection personnel portal, puffs air on occupants to dislodge particles for chemical analysis. In TSA’s extensive pilot program, the Sentinel screened passengers at several major U.S. airports, including New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport.


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Helping Americans maintain their freedom, security, and quality of life in the face of worldwide terrorism and devastating natural disasters has become a national priority—and an intensely difficult challenge.

Sandia National Laboratories is honored to support its sponsors in meeting this challenge, applying capabilities and expertise gained through our longstanding stewardship of the nation's nuclear weapons stockpile. We also have comprehensive programs to protect our armed forces stationed at home and abroad and to maintain the security of physical assets.

In supporting these missions, we provide exceptional service to our agency sponsors and industrial partners by adhering to these principles:

Commitment to mission

Sandia has an unwavering commitment to the mission of our government sponsors. In executing work on their behalf, we've developed knowledge and capabilities that we apply to solving some of the most difficult problems our nation faces.

Better solutions through partnering

Aware that diverse expertise is often needed to create optimal solutions, Sandia fosters a culture of partnering through both cross-cutting internal teams and external partnerships with industry, academia, other national laboratories, and the end users of our products.

A focus on real-world needs

We draw on our industrial heritage to design our technologies for manufacturability and application in an operational context. It's no accident that Sandia has the most successful track record among national laboratories for commercialization.

Answers for today and tomorrow

Sandia is adept at galvanizing our capabilities quickly to solve urgent problems. Equally important, we have the perspective needed to anticipate emerging threats and initiate research that can lead to tomorrow's solutions.