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August 19, 2002

MEMORANDUM FOR All Staff, Guest Researchers, and Visitors
Building 235

From: J. Michael Rowe
Director, NIST Center for Neutron Research

Subject: Hazardous Materials

I want to remind everyone of the restrictions on the materials that may be taken into the C-wing (Confinement building) of Building 235. All materials on the list following are restricted and may only be taken into the confinement building with the express written permission of the Director, NCNR, Chief, Reactor Operations and Engineering, or Chair, Safety Evaluation Committee (based on a prior SEC finding). Please note that these restrictions are in addition to the normal safety review of all experiments and any NIST regulations.

Material Quantity
Explosive gases (e.g. H, CH4, etc.) > 100 STP l
Flammable solvents > 32 fl. oz.
Mercury (liquid, including in thermometers) Any amt.
Solid Explosives Any amt.
Chemicals suitable for use as weapons Any amt.
Biological agents suitable for use as weapons Any amt.

If you have a requirement to use such materials, or are unsure of classification, please submit a written request to the Safety Officer (John Barker, Terry Udovic (alt)) for permission, listing the material and quantity, the reason for its use, and the precautions that will be taken to contain the material, limit its use, and prevent misuse. Although this restriction applies formally only to C-Wing, please note that there are other restrictions on the agents listed here (NIST and Department of Commerce regulations, restrictions on use of hazardous materials in experiments), as well as common sense, which limit the introduction of hazardous materials into any part of the building.

Last modified 23-August-2002