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'' The Privacy Act and the RRB
'' RRB Privacy Act Systems of Records
RRB Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA)
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The RRB conducts privacy impact assessments (PIA) on its electronic information systems and collections containing information from the public. 

The PIA is a review of how information about individuals is handled by RRB when information technology is used to collect new information, or when new or substantially changed IT systems are developed or purchased to handle collections of personally identifiable information.

Following are official Privacy Impact Assessments of significant initiatives within RRB:

Major Application Area Full Text Link
Railroad Employees’ Compensation and Service Records
  • Railroad Employees’ Annual Gross Earnings Master File
October 1, 2007 PDF Format
  • Railroad Service and Compensation Reports
    (Forms BA-3, BA-4, BA-12 and G-440)
October 17, 2007 PDF Format
  • Railroad Service and Compensation Reports
    (Form BA-9)
October 17, 2007 PDF Format
  • Railroad Service and Compensation Reports
    (Forms AA-12, BA-6a, G-88A.1 and G-88A.2)
October 17, 2007 PDF Format
Payment of benefits under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act
  • Application and Claim for Unemployment Benefits and Employment Service


October 17, 2007 PDF Format

Privacy Policy Policies & Links Freedom of Information Act No FEAR Act Data Frequently Asked Questions About Us

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Telephone: (312) 751-7139 TTY: (312) 751-4701
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Date posted: 10/19/2007
Date updated: 10/17/2007