US Climate Change Science Program

Updated 11 October, 2003

Strategic Plan for the
Climate Change
Science Program

Review draft, November 2002



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Public Comments on the Strategic Plan.  Read through the written comments submitted  by Strategic Plan reviewers.  (posted 22 January 2003)



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Table of Contents

Note: In addition to being available in HTML format, each section is available as a PDF file (link enclosed in brackets).

Foreword. [also available: PDF Version]

Chapter 1. Introduction. [also available: PDF Version]

Part I. The Climate Change Research Initiative

Overview of the Climate Change Research Initiative.  [also available: PDF Version]

Chapter 2. Research Focused on Key Climate Change Uncertainties.  [also available: PDF Version]

Chapter 3. Climate Quality Observations, Monitoring, and Data Management. [also available: PDF Version].  See also the white paper, Understanding Recent Atmospheric Temperature Trends and Reducing Uncertainties [PDF]

Chapter 4. Decision Support Resources.  [also available: PDF Version]


USGCRP Introduction & Overview.  [also available: PDF Version]

Chapter 5. Atmospheric Composition. [also available: PDF Version]

Chapter 6. Climate Variability and Change. [also available: PDF Version]

Chapter 7. Water Cycle. [also available: PDF Version].  See also the white paper, The Global Water Cycle and Its Role in Climate and Global Change  [PDF] (posted 27 Nov 2002).

Chapter 8. Land Use/Land Cover Change. [also available: PDF Version]

Chapter 9. Carbon Cycle. [also available: PDF Version].  See also white paper [PDF].

Chapter 10. Ecosystems. [also available: PDF Version]

Chapter 11. Human Contributions and Responses to Environmental Change. [also available: PDF Version]

Chapter 12. Grand Challenges in Modeling, Observations, and Information Systems. [also available: PDF Version]

Part III. Communication, Cooperation
& Management

Chapter 13. Reporting and Outreach. [also available: PDF Version]

Chapter 14. International Research and Cooperation. [also available: PDF Version].  See also the white paper, International Cooperation in Climate Change Science  [PDF] (posted 27 Nov 2002)

Chapter 15. Program Management and Review. [also available: PDF Version]

Acronyms [also available: PDF Version]

Authors & Contributors  [also available: PDF Version]

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