Press Releases

2003 Society of Environmental Journalists Conference Press Packet

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Date Posted Title
September 5, 2008 Breaux Act Newsflash - Hurricane Gustav update and aerial photos
September 5, 2008 Breaux Act Newsflash - Basics of the Basin Research Symposium deadline extension
September 4, 2008 Breaux Act Newsflash - CWPPRA Meetings rescheduled
August 18, 2008 Breaux Act Newsflash - LUMCON Science Teachers' Workshop
August 14, 2008 Breaux Act Newsflash - Gov Jindal announces More than $1 Billion Investment
August 14, 2008 Breaux Act Newsflash - LCA Science Board August Mtg Agenda
August 14, 2008 Breaux Act Newsflash - Gov. Jindal to make announcement at today's CPRA meeting
August 14, 2008 Breaux Act Newsflash - CPRA New Orleans Meeting Project List and Agenda
August 13, 2008 Breaux Act Newsflash - CPRA Agenda Emergency Meeting
August 12, 2008 Breaux Act Newsflash - Tomorrow's CPRA Meeting changed to New Orleans location
August 12, 2008 Breaux Act Newsflash - CPRA Emergency Meeting Wednesday
August 11, 2008 Breaux Act Newsflash - Notice of CPRA Public Meeting
August 5, 2008 Breaux Act Newsflash - Agenda for Morganza to the Gulf Technical Review Meeting
July 31, 2008 Breaux Act Newsflash - Coastal Protection, Restoration Financing Corp Discusses Impact of Wetlands at First Meeting
July 30, 2008 Breaux Act Newsflash - Agenda for Coastal Protection and Restoration Financing Corp Mtg

All 1014 press releases

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Point of Contact:

David Marks
(337) 266-8623