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Data File Set Name: Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) Cancer Incidence Study in Japan


The JALSSA02 data file set consists of three analytic files prepared in connection with the 1950-1987 cancer incidence Life Span Study (LSS) of the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) by DE Thompson, et al. on atomic bomb survivors in Japan.

The JALSSA01 data file set (LSS Mortality Report 11, 1987) was updated and replaced by JALSSA03 (LSS Mortality Report 12, 1996). Apart from the larger cohort and differences in the organization of the data, JALSSA03 duplicates and contains all the data in JALSSA01.

JALSSA01 and JALSSA03 are partly duplicated by JALSSA02, which contains data on cancer incidence rather than mortality. Data files JALSSA02/DS86ADJF and JALSSA03/DS86ADJF are identical to each other, and similar to JALSSA01/NEAREXP.

Some of the differences among JALSSA01, JALSSA02, and JALSSA03 are summarized in "Notes on RERF Data in CEDR".

The RERF data file sets JALSSA01, JALSSA02 and JALSSA03 differ from many CEDR data file sets in that they do not present mortality information on individuals, but rather a cross-tabulation of death counts (or cancer cases) and person years over stratifying variables.

Data file set JALSSA02:

The file TR87DATA contains detailed tabulations of the data used in the analyses of LSS solid cancer incidence for the period 1958-1987. The paper by Thompson et al. (ref. 1 under Citations) presents the results of RERF's analyses of these data.

The file HEMA87 contains similar incidence data for the period 1950-1987, for leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. See Preston et al. (ref. 2 under Citations).

In the RERF analyses, separate person-year tabulations were made for each organ dose. The solid cancer file TR87DATA was defined using colon dose. In order to allow one to carry out analyses based on doses to other organs, the file DS86ADJF includes a table of city-specific and age-at-exposure- specific organ dose adjustment factors. The leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma cancer file HEMA87 was defined using bone marrow dose.

The solid cancer and leukemia files are detailed tabulations of person years, case counts, and summary data constructed from data on individual survivors. The population for the solid tumor file TR87DATA includes data on 80,206 survivors, while the leukemia file HEMA87 includes information on 86,594 survivors. These totals include survivors with DS86 shielded kerma estimates greater than 4 Gy. The files are structured to make it easy to exclude survivors with total shielded kerma estimates above 4 Gy, as was done in the published reports.

The solid tumor file TR87DATA is based on data obtained from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki tumor registries together with LSS mortality follow-up data. Since the tumor registries did not start operation until 1958, follow-up is limited to the period from 1958 to 1987.

The ABCC/RERF leukemia registry was the primary source of data on the incidence of leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma incidence (HEMA87). However, data were also obtained from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki tumor registries. Because of the availability of the Leukemia Registry data, follow-up for the leukemia data set begins on October 1, 1950. The difference in the number of survivors in the two data sets is a consequence of the different starting dates for the follow-up periods.

As in the principal analyses of the papers noted above, case counts are limited to first primary cancers diagnosed in the registry catchment area.

Data on individual survivors were stratified on city, sex, age at exposure (five year intervals), calendar time, and dose to produce these files. Dose categories in the leukemia file HEMA87 are defined in terms of total bone marrow dose, while dose categories in the solid cancer file TR87DATA are defined using total dose to the colon.

The leukemia data set is identical to that used in the analyses of Preston et al. (ref. 2 in Citations).

The solid cancer file TR87DATA is identical to that used in the pooled analysis of all solid tumors and in the analyses of colon cancer risks. However, other site-specific analyses in Thompson et al. (ref. 1 in Citations) were based on data sets of the same basic form in which the data were grouped by the appropriate organ dose. It is impractical to distribute all of these data sets. However, as noted above, the disks contain city- and age-at-exposure-specific conversion factors that can be used to compute estimates of doses to other organs, along with a command script that provides an explicit illustration of how one can use these factors to compute doses for other organs.

Each record in the main data files TR87DATA and HEMA87 includes indicators of sex, city, organ dose category, age-at-exposure category, calendar time period, and other factors. The basic data for each record in these tables include: person years, migration-adjusted person years, the number of people entering the study, mean values of attained age, age at exposure, time since exposure, and year. Doses are summarized by the mean values of the gamma and neutron organ doses and the mean RBE10 weighted total organ dose (i.e. gamma dose plus ten times the neutron dose).

The solid tumor table TR87DATA includes case counts for all solid tumors as a group and for 31 specific tumor types. The leukemia table HEMA87 includes counts for all lymphomas, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, multiple myeloma, all leukemias, acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), and adult T-cell leukemia (ATL).

The solid tumor file TR87DATA has 3249 records, and the leukemia file HEMA87 has 4894 records.

If these data are used as the basis for analyses in any publication including working papers or technical reports, a statement of acknowledgment must be included in the manuscript. This statement should read:

"This report makes use of data obtained from the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) in Hiroshima, Japan. RERF is a private foundation funded equally by the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare and the U.S. Department of Energy through the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. The conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the scientific judgment of RERF or its funding agencies."

Please send a copy of any manuscripts which make use of these data to: Editorial Office, Radiation Effects Research Foundation, 5-2 Hijiyama Koena, Minami-ku, Hiroshima Shi 732, JAPAN.

Number of data files: 3

Cohort Size: 93696

Providing Organization: Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF)

Creating Organization: Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF)

Originating Organization: Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF)$

Races: Japanese
Sexes: male$ female

Diseases: solid cancer

Earliest Exposure: 08/15/1945
Latest Exposure: 08/15/1945
Follow-Up: 12/31/1987

Exposure Type: exposure to atomic bomb blast$ subsequent exposure to radioactive fallout
Exposure Agent: neutron$ gamma
Method: See ref 1. and ref 2. under Citations.

Sites: Japan

Notes: Please see Notes on JALSSA02.

Derivation: See Notes on RERF Data in CEDR.

Contact Information:

Ohara, Jill
Information Technology Department (ITD), Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF)
Information Technology Department (ITD)
Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF)
5-2 Hijiyama Koen
Minami-ku, Hiroshima, 732 Japan

CITATION:   CEDR Library ID: 159 (for full bibliographic record)

Author(s): Thompson, Desmond E., Mabuchi, Kiyohiko, Ron, Elaine, Soda, Midori, Tokunaga, Masayoshi, Ochikubo, Sachio, Sugimoto, Sumio, Ikeda, Takayoshi, Terasaki, Masayuki, Izumi, Shizue, Preston, Dale L.     Radiation Effects Research

Article Title: Cancer incidence in atomic bomb survivors. Part II: Solid tumors, 1958-1987
Journal Date: 1994
Journal Name: Radiation Research
Journal Volume: 137(2 Suppl.):S17-67


Article Title: Errata
Journal Date: July, 1994
Journal Name: Radiation Research
Journal Volume: 139(1):129


Report Title: Cancer incidence in atomic bomb survivors. Part II: Solid tumors, 1958-1987 Report Institution: Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF)
Report Number: RERF TR 5-92

CITATION:   CEDR Library ID: 167 (for full bibliographic record)

Author(s): Preston, Dale L., Kusumi, Shizuoyo, Tomonaga, Masao, Izumi, Shizue, Ron, Elaine, Kuramoto, Atsushi, Kamada, Nanao, Dohy, Hiroo, Matsuo, Tatsuki, Hiroaki, Nonaka, Thompson, Desmond E., Soda, Midori, Mabuchi, Kiyohiko     Radia Research Foundation (RERF)

Article Title: Cancer Incidence in Atomic Bomb Survivors. Part III: Leukemia, Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma, 1950-1987
Journal Date: February, 1994
Journal Name: Radiation Research
Journal Volume: 137(2 Suppl):S68-S97


Article Title: Errata
Journal Date: July, 1994
Journal Name: Radiation Research
Journal Volume: 139(1):129


Report Title: Cancer Incidence in Atomic Bomb Survivors. Part III: Leukemia, Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma, 1950-1987 Report Institution: Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF)
Report Number: RERF TR 24-92


Report Title: Errata for RERF Technical Report 24-92 CEDR Location:

Date Added: 08/21/1997