TARFOX_WALLOPS_SMPS This dataset contains the SMPS particle number concentration data acquired during the TARFOX experiment at Wallops Island in July 1996. The files are ASCII, comma delimited. The file names include the data start date and are numbered to differentiate between different sets of measurements made on a given day. Instrument: Scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) (TSI Incorporated, St. Paul, MN) Data: Ground-based ambient size distribution of aerosol Site: Wallops Island (W-115) Date: Between 16 July and 26 July 1996 (see also TARFOX Operations Summary page 119) Data processing: Raw data exported using SMPS 2.0 (TSI), then imported to Microsoft Excel, adjusted to local time, then saved as comma delimited. Data format: File name: roughly the date when the measurement began In each file: first 6 rows are from SMPS 2.0 Example: Row 1: Particle Size Range(nm) 14.3 749 ; the size range measured ; depends on the setting of the instrument ; the same in each file Row 2: Channel Range 37 92 ; channel number in SMPS 2.0 Row 3: Channels per decade 32 ; e.g., 32 channels between 30nm and 300nm Row 4: Weighted By Number ; the data is the number concentration in each channel Row 5: Units Conc. dW ; [cm-3] Row 6: Sample Time/Midpoint Diameters ; below row 6, the first 5 columns are date and local time (local time = GMT - 4) ; the rest of Row 6 are midpoint diameters of each channel Note: These are RAW DATA from one of the two SMPSs used at the site. Questions about this data may be addressed to: Qiang Ji Code 913 NASA/GSFC Greenbelt, MD 20771 U.S.A. Telephone: +1 301 286-3973 Fax: (301) 286-1759 Internet: ji@climate.gsfc.nasa.gov or to: Langley DAAC User Services NASA Langley Research Center MS 157D Hampton, VA 23681-2199 U.S.A. Telephone: +1 757 864-8656 Fax: +1 757 864-8807 Internet: userserv@eosdis.larc.nasa.gov Web URL: http://eosweb.larc.nasa.gov