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Alphabetical Listing of Subjects

Research By Subject - Computer Science

Resources were chosen to enhance and support the research needs of NIST scientific and administrative personnel. NIST’s Computer Science areas of research include: computer security, software testing, information access, networking, and convergent information systems. Suggestions for new resources can be e-mailed to Keith Martin.


Electronic Journals/Publications *

Classic Computer Magazine Archive


Ingenta (Carl Uncover)
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Patent Database *


Numerical Recipes E-Books

Computer Science at NIST

Dictionary of Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problems
NIST Information Technology Laboratory


American Association for Artificial Intelligence
Association for Computing Machinery
British Computer Society
Coalition for Networked Information
Computing Research Association
Corporation for National Research Initiatives
IEEE Computer Society
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
Internet Society
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
National Energy Research Supercomputer Center
Yahoo: Science/Computer Science/Institutes


Computer Science Departments Across the Web

Conferences and Meetings

Netlib Conferences Database
Yahoo: Science/Computer Science/Conferences

Quick Reference

Computer Almanac
Free Online Dictionary of Computing
Ritter’s Crypto Glossary and Dictionary of Technical Cryptography
Tech Encyclopedia
Virus Directory
Virus Encyclopedia

Other Web Resources

Academic Info Computer Science
BUBL Subject Tree on Computing and Computer Science
C/NET: The Computer Network-product reviews, price comparisons, news
Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
Computer Museum History Center
Galaxy: Computer Technology
History of Computing
Index of Publicly Available Database Software
Network Bibliography
Networked Computer Science Technical Reports Library
Programmers Heaven
Public Library of Science
Resources for Programming Language Research
Reuter's/Yahoo: technology news
Scientific Computing FAQ
Virtual Computer Library
WWW Virtual Library:Computing
Yahoo: Computers and Internet: Programming Languages
Yahoo: Science: Computer Science

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